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Saving Print Settings

Macromedia freehand

Saving Print Settings

If you are working with a specific print shop, they may give you a complete set of instructions as to how to save your file. You may want to reapply those settings without going through all the Print Setup controls. 22422e413w FreeHand lets you save all the print options so you can easily apply them to other work.

To save print settings:

Set all the print options the way you want the file to print.

Click the + sign next to the Print Settings pop-up menu . A Save dialog box appears.

Figure 15. The Print setting controls allow you to save and apply preset print options.

Use the Save dialog box to name and save the file in the PrintSet directory. This adds the preset to the pop-up menu.

To apply print settings:

Choose a setting from the Print Settings menu.

Collecting for Output

If you send your document to be printed by someone else, it is handy to have a record of all the information about the file. FreeHand provides you with a very sophisticated report for all your documents.

To create a document report:

With the document open, choose File > Report. The Document Report dialog box appears

Figure 16. The Document Report dialog box lets you select the information to be included in the document report.

Click the categories listed on the left side of the Document Report dialog box. Each one of these categories then displays a different set of Options. (See the sidebar on the next page for a list of the options for each category.)

Click each of the Options for each category to indicate which information you want listed.

Click Report (Mac) or OK (Win) to see the Document Report Viewer , where you can read the complete document report.

Figure 17. The Document Report Viewer lets you read the report, save it as a text file, or print it.

Click Save to create a permanent text file of your report.

Information in each report category

Document:  File name, Directory, File size, File access, Creation date, Modification date, Document units, Total pages

Pages:  Page location, Dimensions, Bleed size, Orientation, Page type

Objects:  Set Note, Halftone, Place file

Fonts:  Font name, Font PS name, Font file format, Font style, Font size

Text:  Blocks Fonts used, Color used, Bounding box, Line count, Paragraph count, First line

Layers:  Foreground layers, Background layers, Visibility, Editing color, Acess, Preview status

Styles:  Graphics styles, Text styles

Colors:  Named colors, Separations

Output Options:  Invisible layers, Split paths, Image date, Convert image, Max color steps, Flatness

Unless you have your own high-resolution imagesetter, you must transfer your work onto a floppy disk or some type of removable media such as a Zip disk. You then send the disk or cartridge to a service bureau that will output the file. You must send certain files along with your FreeHand file. Rather than collect these file manually, the Collect For Output feature automates the process.

To use the Collect For Output command:

Choose File > Collect For Output. An alert box appears warning you that you should find out whether or not you have the rights to distribute fonts . Click OK.

Figure 18. The alert box that appears as part of the Collect For Output process.


Click Don't show again to stop the alert from appearing.

The Document Report dialog box appears (see previous page). Click each of the Options for each category to indicate which information you want listed. Click OK.

Choose a destination for the report and files, such as a folder on the current drive or a removable cartridge. Click Save.

FreeHand collects all the files necessary to print the document . This includes the original FreeHand file, linked graphics, the document report, fonts, the printer user prep, and printer driver (Mac).

Figure 19. The files assembled by the Collect For Output command.

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