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Selecting Text

Macromedia freehand

Selecting Text

You need to select text to change it. There are several different ways to select text.

To select all the text in a text block:

Click with the Text tool inside 16316p159q the text block.

Choose Edit > Select > All.


Select the text block with the Pointer tool also selects all the text in the text block

Figure 14. A selected text block also selects all the text inside.

To select text within a text block:

Click with the Text tool inside 16316p159q the text block. Use the following techniques to select text:

o        Double click to select a word.

o        Triple click to select a paragraph.

o        Drag to select a range of text

Figure 15. Drag to select text within a text block.

Although you can drag to select text, it may not be practical to drag to select a long range of text - especially if the text extends over many pages. In that case, you can use the following technique.

To select a range of text:

Click with the Text tool to place the insertion point where you want the selection to begin

Figure 16. Click to place the insertion point where you want to start the text selection.

Hold the Shift key and click where you want the selection to end

Figure 17. Hold the Shift key and click in a second position to select all the text between.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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