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Using the Arc Tool

Macromedia freehand

Using the Arc Tool

Here's the tool for Indiana Jones - the Arc tool.

To choose settings for the Arc tool:

Choose Window > Toolbars > Xtra Tools to open the Xtra Tools toolbar.

Double-click the Arc tool in the Xtra Tools panel . This opens the Arc dialog box

Figure 37. The Arc tool selected in the Xtra Tools toolbar.

Figure 38. The Arc dialog box allows you to choose from open, flipped, or concave arc settings.

Choose Create open arc if you want a simple arc. Deselect this option if you want your arc to form a wedge shape

Figure 39. Notice the difference between an open arc (left) and a closed arc (right).

Choose Create flipped arc to reflect the arc from one direction to another.

Choose Create concave arc to create an arc that curves inside a corner.

Click OK to return to the work page.

To draw with the Arc tool:

With the Arc tool selected, drag to create the arc on the page.

Release the mouse button when you are satisfied with the arc.


Hold the Cmd/Ctrl key after you start the drag to close or open the arc

Figure 40. Closed arcs can be either convex (left) or concave (right).


Hold the Opt/Alt key after you start the drag to flip the arc horizontally or vertically.


Hold the Control key (Mac) to switch between either concave or convex settings.


Hold the Shift key to constrain the arc to quarter circles.

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Accesari: 522
Apreciat: hand-up

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