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Using the Arrange Commands

Macromedia freehand

Using the Arrange Commands

Objects are layered in the same order they were created. Though you may not see this when the objects are side by side, it is apparent when they overlap

Figure 1. Although it may not be obvious, one object is in front of the other.

Figure 2. When two objects overlap, it is obvious which object is in front of the other.

To move objects to the front of a layer:

Select an object in your artwork.

Choose Modify > Arrange > Bring To Front to move the object to the front of the other objects in its layer.

Figure 3. If you want to move an object to the foreground.

Figure 4. .select it and use the Bring To Front command.

To move objects to the back of a layer:

Select an object in your artwork.

Choose Modify > Arrange > Send To Back to move the object to the back of its layer.


If you choose Bring To Front or Send To Back on a subselected object of a group, the object moves to the front or back of the group rather than the layer.

Sometimes you want to move an object in the middle of a layer. To do that, you use a different set of commands.

To move objects forward in a layer:

Select an object in your artwork.

Choose Modify > Arrange > Move Forward to move the object forward in its layer. This moves the object in front of the first object it was behind.

Repeat until the object is in the correct position in the layer

Figure 5. In this illustration, the circle needs to be in front of the triangle and square.

Figure 6. The same illustration after the Move Forward command was applied twice to the circle.

To move objects backward in a layer:

Select an object in your artwork.

Choose Modify > Arrange > Move Backward. This moves the object backward in its layer.

Repeat until the object is in the correct position in the layer.

Document Info

Accesari: 1281
Apreciat: hand-up

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