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Using the Ellipse Tool

Macromedia freehand

Using the Ellipse Tool

Another type of object you can create is the ellipse. The Ellipse tool also creates circles.

To draw an ellipse or circle:

Click the Ellipse tool in the Tools panel

Figure 11. The Ellipse tool selected in the Tools panel.

Position the cursor where you want one "corner" of the ellipse.

Press and drag to the opposite "corner"

Figure 12. To draw an ellipse, drag the cursor along the diagonal line between two sides.


Hold the Shift key as you drag to constrain the ellipse to a circle.


Hold the Opt/Alt key to draw the ellipse from the center outward.


Combine both the Opt/Alt and Shift keys to draw a circle outward from the center point.

To change the dimensions of an ellipse:

Select the ellipse.

In the Object inspector, change the settings as follows

Figure 13. Use the settings in the Object inspector to change the attributes of a ellipse.

o        The x field controls the horizontal position of the left-corner of the ellipse on the artboard.

o        The y field controls the vertical position of the left-corner of the ellipse on the artboard.

o        The w field controls the width of the ellipse.

o        The h field controls the height of the ellipse.

Press Return/Enter to apply the change.

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Apreciat: hand-up

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