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Using the Roughen Tool

Macromedia freehand

Using the Roughen Tool

The Roughen tool takes clean, smooth paths and makes them irregular and ragged. This can be very useful in making artwork look hand-drawn, or less "perfect."

To set the Roughen tool o 21521w2213v ptions:

Double-click the Roughen tool in the Xtra Tools toolbar . This opens the Roughen dialog box

Figure 16. The Roughen tool in the Xtra Tools toolbar.

Figure 17. The Roughen dialog box.

Use the Amount slider to increase the number of segments per inch that are added using the tool.

Set the Edge options as follows:

o        Rough adds corner points to create the rough edge.

o        Smooth adds curved points to create the rough edge. This creates a less harsh edge to the object.

Click OK.

To set the Roughen tool o 21521w2213v ptions:

Select the object or objects you want to modify.

Drag with the Roughen tool along the object. The further you drag, the greater the distortion

Figure 18. The results of applying the Roughen tool.

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Accesari: 784
Apreciat: hand-up

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