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Using the Transformation Handles

Macromedia freehand

Using the Transformation Handles

At times it may be cumbersome to stop working on artwork to choose the scale or rotation tools. The Transformation handles let you modify objects directly on the page without needing to change tools.

To use the Transformation handles:

With the Pointer tool active, double-click the selected object. A rectangular box with eight Transformation handles appears

Figure 35. The Transformation handles around a grouped object.


Hold the Cmd/Ctrl key to temporarily switch to the Pointer tool.

Move the cursor near the handles to transform the selection as described in the following exercises.

Move the cursor inside the box. The four-headed arrow indicates you can move the objects to a new position

Figure 36. The Move cursor indicates that you can move the objects and the Transformation handles.

Drag the Transformation point icon away from the center of the object. This changes the point around which the transformation occurs

Figure 37. Move the Transformation point icon to change the point around which the transformation occurs.

Double-click outside the box to clear the Transformation handles.


Hold the Opt/Alt key as you drag with the Transformation handles to copy the object as it is transformed.


As you use the Transformation handles, the information about the transformation is stored in the Transform panel . You can then apply that numerical value to other objects.

Figure 38. As you use the Transformation handles, the information about the transformation is stored in the Transform panel.


If you find the Transformation handles interfere with your work, turn them off using the Preferences (see page 390).

To rotate using the Transformation handles:

Move the cursor near one of the handles. The curved arrow Rotation icon appears

Figure 39. The Rotation icon (circled) lets you use the Transformation handles to rotate an object.

Drag to rotate the object around the transformation point.

To scale using the Transformation handles:

Move the cursor directly onto one of the handles. The double-headed arrow Scale icon appears

Figure 40. The Scale icon (circled) lets you use the Transformation handles to scale an object.

Drag to scale the object from the transformation point.

To skew using the Transformation handles:

Place the cursor between the handles. The split arrow Skew icon appears

Figure 41. The Skew icon (circled) lets you skew the object around the Transformation point.

Drag to skew the object from the transformation point.

Document Info

Accesari: 877
Apreciat: hand-up

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