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Working with Arrowheads

Macromedia freehand

Working with Arrowheads

The last choice for Basic strokes is arrowheads. You can see arrowheads only on open paths.

To apply arrowheads:

Select an open path with a Basic stroke 17317s181r .


Arrowheads take their size from the point size of the stroke.

Choose one of the Arrowheads pop-up menus in the Stroke inspector . The left menu controls the start of the path, the right menu controls the end of the path.

Figure 21. The Arrowheads pop-up menu lets you add arrowheads to open paths made with Basic strokes.

Using the appropriate menu, choose an arrowhead.


Choose None to remove an arrowhead from a path.

To create new arrowheads:

Open either Arrowheads pop-up menu and choose New. The Arrowhead Editor dialog box appears

Figure 22. The Arrowhead Editor dialog box lets you modify the program's arrowheads or create your own custom arrowheads.

Use any of the Arrowhead Editor tools to draw the arrowhead.

Click New. The new arrowhead appears at the end of both arrowhead menus.

To edit arrowheads:

Hold down the Opt/Alt key as you select one of the arrowheads from the pop-up menu.

In the Arrowhead Editor that appears, modify the arrowhead.

Click New to complete your edit. The original arrowhead is modified and all objects that use the arrowhead change.


Use the Paste in and Copy out buttons to transfer arrowheads between the Arrowhead Editor and the work page. This allows you to use all the FreeHand tools to create arrowheads.

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Accesari: 1130
Apreciat: hand-up

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