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Working with Pattern Fills

Macromedia freehand

Working with Pattern Fills

Pattern fills are bitmapped patterns that can be edited pixel by pixel. (See Appendix B for a printout of the default pattern fills.)

To apply a Pattern fill:

1.    & 11411i815l nbsp; Select an object and choose Pattern from the Fill inspector pop-up menu.

2.    & 11411i815l nbsp; Use the slider bar to choose one of the Pattern fills from the series of small boxes .

Figure 51. The Pattern fill settings in the Fill inspector.

3.    & 11411i815l nbsp; Use the large preview box on the left to edit the pattern by clicking on each of the pixels. The large preview box on the right shows what your pattern will look like when applied to the object.

4.    & 11411i815l nbsp; Use the Clear button to delete all the dark pixels from the large preview boxes to editing a pattern again.

5.    & 11411i815l nbsp; Use the Invert button to change the black pixels into white and vice versa.


Objects behind Pattern fills are not visible through the white spaces of the fills.

6.    & 11411i815l nbsp; Use the color drop box to apply any color to the dark pixels of a pattern.


Colors are applied to the solid-color portion of the fill. White areas remain white.


Pattern fills appear the same way onscreen as they print

Figure 52. An object filled with a Pattern fill displays and prints that pattern.


Pattern fills cannot be transformed with an object.


Pattern fills are designed for use on low-resolution printers, not high-resolution imagesetters or film recorders. They may also cause problems when part of Acrobat documents.

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Accesari: 1099
Apreciat: hand-up

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