If you are using the default CIW configuration, you do not need to perform any of the following configuration tasks. Otherwise, to create a custom CIW configuration, you need to accomplish the following:
If you have not done so already, configure the operating system installation options you want to present to clients by setting answer file ACLs to permit or deny client access to operating system images in the CIW.
If you have not done so already, configure permissions for the operating system image folder on the RIS server to explicitly deny access to specific user groups, if applicable.
Configure the setup options you want to provide to RIS clients by configuring RIS-related settings in the default domain Group Policy or in any new Group Policy objects that you create for specific user groups.
Modify existing screens and use OSCML tags to create custom input prompts.
Add any new screens you want and use OSCML tags to create custom input prompts or information displays.
Configure answer files with OSC variables to capture user input.
Remove screens from the CIW by modifying the <FORM ACTION="screenname"> tags with different screen names, as required.
Add any language options to the CIW by modifying the Welcome screen.
For an OSCML tag reference, see job aid "OSCML and Client Installation Wizard Variables" (ACIRIS_13.doc) on the Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit companion CD (or see "OSCML and Client Installation Wizard Variables" on the Web at https://www.microsoft.com/reskit). For more information about Group Policy settings that affect the CIW in addition to using OSCML tags and OSC variables, see "CIW Design Tasks" earlier in this chapter.