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Deploying an Operating System

remote installation services

Deploying an Operating System

Once you have completed configuring and deploying RIS in your production environment, you are ready to perform operating system deployments in your production environment. Figure  . illustrates the deploymen 151p1514b t options at this stage of the process.

Figure 4. Deploying an Operating System

To deploy an operating system by using RIS requires that client computers initiate a remote network boot. To do this, you must use one of the following methods:

Use PXE-enabled client computers to boot from their network cards to a remote RIS server.

Use a RIS boot floppy disk to emulate the PXE process to boot supported non PXE-enabled client computers from a remote RIS server.

Using a Network Boot

To perform deployment of an operating system image hosted on a RIS server using a network boot from a PXE-enabled client, you need to accomplish the following:

Power up the client computer.

If the client is receiving an interactive deployment, wait for the client to receive a prompt to press the F12 key for a network boot to a RIS server. The prompt appears after the client receives an IP address from the DHCP service.

Press the F12 key to initiate the network boot.

If the client is receiving an automated deployment, wait for the CIW to begin downloading. The download begins after the client receives an IP address from the DHCP service. The F12 prompt is bypassed for automated deployments.

Follow the CIW screens after TFTP downloads the CIW files to the client.

Using a RIS Boot Floppy Disk

To perform deployment of an operating system image hosted on a RIS server using a network boot from a RIS boot floppy disk client, you need to accomplish the following:

Insert the RIS boot floppy disk into the client computer floppy disk drive.

Accomplish the tasks listed in the previous section "Using a Network Boot."

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Apreciat: hand-up

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