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Evaluating RIS Client Hardware

remote installation services

Evaluating RIS Client Hardware

In general, RIS client computers must meet the requirements for the operating system that you install on them. Whether you are deploying a client or server operating system, it is still co 747g61h nsidered a client installation with respect to RIS. However, hardware requirements differ between computers that host client operating system software and those that host server operating system software.

For more information about Remote Installation Services system requirements, see "Remote Installation Services system requirements in Help and Support Center for Windows Server 2003.

To verify whether your existing client hardware is compatible with Windows XP,
see the Windows Catalog link on the Web Resources page at:

You can also verify hardware compatibility by consulting the following:

Hardware Compatibility List. A list of software and hardware products that are compatible with Windows 2000 and earlier Windows operating systems. See the Hardware Compatibility List link on the Web Resources page at

Windows XP Professional Upgrade Center. A Microsoft website that provides information for verifying whether your system hardware and software is compatible with Windows XP Professional. See the Windows XP Professional Upgrade Center link on the Web Resources page at:

For more information about verifying software and hardware compatibility see "Designing Image-Based Installations with Sysprep" in this book.

For this part of your planning process, use job aid "Planning for RIS Clients" (ACIRIS_01.doc) on the Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit companion CD (or see "Planning for RIS Clients" on the Web at to indicate whether client computers require hardware upgrades. Also indicate the domains or organizational units in which clients must receive an upgrade and the personnel you want to assign to the task.

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