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Identifying Client Requirements

remote installation services

Identifying Client Requirements

If you have existing client computers on your network that you are considering for RIS-based operating system installations, you need to evaluate the hardware and software configurations of these clients 12112b121m during the planning phase. If you need to obtain new client computers to receive RIS-based operating system installations, you can acquire them from an OEM/Solution provider. For both new and existing clients, you need to determine if your clients satisfy the requirements for RIS-based installations.


You can only use RIS to perform clean operating system installations. You cannot use RIS to perform an operating system upgrade.

To identify requirements for RIS client computers on which you want to install an operating system by using a RIS-based installation, you need to:

Evaluate whether your client computers meet the minimum hardware requirements for the operating system you intend to install.

Determine if your client computers utilize the same HAL as the master computer (for Riprep images only).

Evaluate the remote boot capabilities of RIS clients (whether they are PXE-enabled or if they require a RIS boot floppy disk).

Audit existing client computers so you can inventory software and hardware configurations.

Decide if you want to prestage RIS clients in Active Directory for more secure RIS-based operating system installations.

Evaluate operating system configurations.

You can perform these tasks in any order. For more information about each task, see the sections that follow.

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Accesari: 807
Apreciat: hand-up

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