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Running the Riprep Wizard on the Master Computer

remote installation services

Running the Riprep Wizard on the Master Computer

When you are ready to create your image, you run Riprep.exe from the master computer by specifying the following in the Run dialog box:


By default, Riprep-based images do not perform full Plug and P 23323m121x lay enumeration during operating system installation on the client. If you want full Plug and Play enumeration to occur, you must start Riprep.exe with the /pnp option, as follows:

\\RISServerName\Reminst\Admin\i386\Riprep.exe /pnp

After you run this command, full Plug and Play enumeration occurs. If you want to turn off full Plug and Play enumeration, you must recreate the image.


You can also run Riprep.exe by entering these commands at the command line.

Replicating Images to Other RIS Servers

RIS does not provide a mechanism for replicating operating system images from one RIS server to another. However, you can use third-party tools to replicate operating system images. If you use a third-party tool, make sure that the replication mechanism supports alternate file streams, file maintenance attributes, extended attributes, and security settings of the source images.

Configuring Answer File and Image Folder Permissions

Each time you run Riprep.exe on a master installation, you create a default answer file that is specifically configured for that master image. To make this image available to your users, you must set Read permissions on the answer file associated with it. Using the Images tab in RIS server Properties, set the ACL on each answer file to specify which users can receive the master installation image. Note that you also need to set Read permissions on the operating system image folder located in the following directory path on the RIS server:


Setting permissions on the image folder ensures that specified users will have access to the operating system image.

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