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How to find more information. Overview of lcc-win32's documentation

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How to find more information. Overview of lcc-win32's documentation

The documentation of lcc-win32 comes in four files:

lccdoc.exe. This file contains the following documentation:

C-tutorial.doc. This document.

Manual.doc. This is the user's manual, where you will find information about how the system is used, command line options, menu descriptions, how to use the debugger, etc. It explains how to build a project, how to setup the compiler, each compiler option, all that with all the details.

Lcc-win32.doc. This is a technical description for interested users that may want to know how the system is built, how the programs that build it were designed, the options I had when writing them, etc.

Mmx.doc. This small document explains how to use the MMX intrinsic functions in your programs, to access those relatively new instructions of the Pentium processors.

Other documentation is available as .hlp files shipped with the main file lccwin32.exe. Specifically:

wedit.hlp. Here are the standard library functions documentation, and the online-help for the IDE.

The documentation of the windows API is distributed in a relatively large file called win32hlp.exe. This is absolutely essential, unless you know it by heart. When installed, this file will become

Win32.hlp. Here you will find the documentation of the windows API.

That file is not complete however. More documentation for the new features of Win32 can be found in the win32apidoc.exe file, also in the lcc distribution site. When installed, that file will install:

Shelldoc.doc. This documents the windows shell, its interfaces, function definitions, etc.

Wininet.doc. This documents the TCP/IP subsystem for network programming.

CommonControls.doc. This explains the new controls added to windows after 1995.

Note that Wedit will detect if the documentation is installed, and will allow you to see the documentation of any function just with pressing the F1 key. This is a nice feature, especially for beginners. Install a full version if you aren't an expert. A version without the documentation it is a pain, since you have to go fishing for that information each time you want to call an API, not a very exciting perspective.

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