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Structures and unions

visual c en

Structures and unions


Structures are a contiguous piece of storage that contains several simple types, grouped as a single object. For instance, if we want to handle the two integer positions defined for each pixel in the screen we could define the following structure:

struct coordinates ;

Structures are introduced with the keyword "struct" followed by their name. Then we open a scope with the curly braces, and enumerate the fields that form the structure. Fields are declared as all other declarations are done. Note that a structure declaration is just that, a declaration, and it reserves no actual storage anywhere.

After declaring a structure, we can use this new type to declare variables or other objects of this type:

struct coordinate Coords = ;

Here we have declared a variable called Coords, that is a structure of type coordinate, i.e. having two fields of integer type called "x" and "y". In the same statement we initialize the structure to a concrete point, the point (23,78). The compiler, when processing this declaration, will assign to the first field the first number, i.e. to the field "x" will be assigned the value 23, and to the field "y" will be assigned the number 78.

Note that the data that will initialize the structure is enclosed in curly braces.

Structures can be recursive, i.e. they can contain pointers to themselves. This comes handy to define structures like lists for instance:

struct list ;

Here we have defined a structure that in its first field contains a pointer to the same structure, and in its second field contains an integer. Please note that we are defining a pointer to an identical structure, not the structure itself, what is impossible. A structure can't contain itself, an infinite recursion would immediately appear!

Double linked list can be defined as follows:

struct dl_list ;

This list features two pointers: one forward, to the following element in the list, and one backward, to the previous element of the list.

A special declaration that can only be used in structures is the bit-field declaration. You can specify in a structure a field with a certain number of bits. That number is given as follows:

struct flags ;

This structure has three fields. The first, is a bit-field of length 1, i.e. a Boolean value, the second is also a bit-field of type Boolean, and the third is an integer of 5 bits. In that integer you can only store integers from zero to 31, i.e. from zero to 2 to the 5th power, minus one. In this case, the programmer decides that the number of pages will never exceed 31, so it can be safely stored in this small amount of memory.

We access the data stored in a structure with the following notation:

<structure-name> '.' field-name


<structure-name '->' field-name

We use the second notation when we have a pointer to a structure, not the structure itself. When we have the structure itself, or a reference variable, we use the point.

Here are some examples of this notation:

void fn(void)

Structures can contain other structures or types. After we have defined the structure coordinate above, we can use that structure within the definition of a new one.

struct DataPoint ;

This structure contains a "coordinate" structure. To access the "x" field of our coordinate in a DataPoint structure we would write:

struct DataPoint dp;

dp.coords.x = 78;

Structures can be contained in arrays. Here, we declare an array of 25 coordinates:

struct coordinate coordArray[25];

To access the x coordinate from the 4th member of the array we would write:

coordArray[3].x = 89;

Note (again) that in C array indexes start at zero. The fourth element is numbered 3.

Many other structures are possible their number is infinite:

struct customer ;

This is a consecutive amount of storage where

an integer contains the ID of the customer,

a machine address pointing to the start of the character string with the customer name,

another address pointing to the start of the name of the place where this customer lives,

a double precision number containing the current balance,

a time_t (time type) date of last transaction,

and other bit fields for storing some flags.

struct mailMessage ;

This one starts with another type containing the message ID, again a time_t to store the date, then the addresses of some character strings.

The set of functions that use a certain type are the methods that you use for that type, maybe in combination with other types. There is no implicit "this" in C. Each argument to a function is explicit, and there is no predominance of anyone.

A customer can send a mailMessage to the company, and certain functions are possible, that handle mailMessages from customers. Other mailMessages aren't from customers, and are handled differently, depending on the concrete application.

Because that's the point here: an application is a coherent set of types that performs a certain task with the computer, for instance, sending automated mailings, or invoices, or sensing the temperature of the system and acting accordingly in a multi-processing robot, or whatever. It is up to you actually.

Note that in C there is no provision or compiler support for associating methods in the structure definitions. You can, of course, make structures like this:

struct customer ;

The new field, is a function pointer that contains the address of a function that returns a Boolean result, and takes a customer and a new balance, and should (eventually) update the balance field, that isn't directly accessed by the software, other than trough this procedure pointer.

When the program starts, you assign to each structure in the creation procedure for it, the function DefaultGetBalance() that takes the right arguments and does hopefully the right thing.

This allows you the flexibility of assigning different functions to a customer for calculating his/her balance according to data that is known only at runtime. Customers with a long history of overdraws could be handled differently by the software after all. But this is no longer C, is the heart of the application.

True, there are other languages that let you specify with greater richness of rules what and how can be sub classed and inherited. C, allows you to do anything, there are no other rules here, other the ones you wish to enforce.

You can subclass a structure like this. You can store the current pointer to the procedure somewhere, and put your own procedure instead. When your procedure is called, it can either:

Do some processing before calling the original procedure

Do some processing after the original procedure returns

Do not call the original procedure at all and replace it entirely.

We will show a concrete example of this when we speak about windows sub classing later. Sub classing allows you to implement dynamic inheritance. This is just an example of the many ways you can program in C.

But is that flexibility really needed?

Won't just

bool UpdateCustomerBalance(struct customer *pCustomer, double newBalance);

do it too?

Well it depends. Actions of the general procedure could be easy if the algorithm is simple and not too many special cases are in there. But if not, the former method, even if more complicated at first sight, is essentially simpler because it allows you greater flexibility in small manageable chunks, instead of a monolithical procedure of several hundred lines full of special case code.

Mixed strategies are possible. You leave for most customers the UpdateBalance field empty (filled with a NULL pointer), and the global UpdateBalance procedure will use that field to calculate its results only if there is a procedure there to call. True, this wastes 4 bytes per customer in most cases, since the field is mostly empty, but this is a small price to pay, the structure is probably much bigger anyway.

Structure size

In principle, the size of a structure is the sum of the size of its members. This is, however, just a very general rule, since it depends a lot on the compilation options valid at the moment of the structure definition, or in the concrete settings of the structure packing as specified with the #pragma pack() construct.

Normally, you should never make any assumptions about the specific size of a structure. Compilers, and lcc-win32 is no exception, try to optimize structure access by aligning members of the structure at predefined addresses. For instance, if you use the memory manager, pointers must be aligned at addresses multiples of four, if not, the memory manager doesn't detect them and that can have disastrous consequences.

The best thing is to always use the sizeof operator when the structure size needs to be used somewhere in the code. For instance, if you want to allocate a new piece of memory managed by the memory manager, you call it with the size of the structure.

GC_malloc(sizeof(struct DataPoint)*67);

This will allocate space for 67 structures of type "DataPoint" (as defined above). Note that we could have written


since we have:

struct DataPoint ;

We can add the sizes:

two integers of 4 bytes for the coordinate member, makes 8 bytes, plus 4 bytes for the Data member, makes 12, that multiplies 67 to make 804 bytes.

But this is very risky because of two reasons:

Compiler alignment could change the size of the structure

If you add a new member to the structure, the sizeof() specification will continue to work, since the compiler will correctly recalculate it each time. If you write the 804 however, when you add a new member to the structure this number has to be recalculated again, making one more thing that can go wrong in your program.

In general, it is always better to use compiler-calculated constants like sizeof() instead of hard-wired numbers.

Defining new types

Structures are then, a way of augmenting the type system by defining new types using already defined ones. The C language allows you to go one step further in this direction by allowing you to specify a new type definition or typedef for short.

This syntax for doing this is like this:

typedef <already defined type> new name;

For instance, you can specify a new type of integer called "my integer" with:

typedef int my_integer;

and then, you can use this new type in any position where the "int" keyword would be expected. For instance you can declare:

my_integer i;

instead of:

int i;

This can be used with structures too. For instance, if you want to avoid typing at each time you use a coordinate struct coordinate a; you can define

typedef struct coordinate COORDINATE;

and now you can just write:


what is shorter, and much clearer.

This new name can be used with the sizeof() operator too, and we can write:


instead of the old notation. But please keep in mind the following: once you have defined a typedef, never use the "struct" keyword in front of the typedef, if not, the compiler will get really confused.


Unions are similar to structures in that they contain fields. Contrary to structures, unions will store all their fields in the same place. They have the size of the biggest field in them. Here is an example:

union intfloat ;

This union has two fields: an integer and a double precision number. The size of an integer is four in lcc-win32, and the size of a double is eight. The size of this union will be eight bytes, with the integer and the double precision number starting at the same memory location. The union can contain either an integer or a double precision number but not the two. If you store an integer in this union you should access only the integer part, if you store a double, you should access the double part. Field access syntax is the same as for structures: we use always the point.

Using the definition above we can write:

int main(void)

First we assign to the integer part of the union an integer, then we assign to the double precision part a double.

Unions are useful for storing structures that can have several different memory layouts. In general we have an integer that tells us which kind of data follows, then a union of several types of data. Suppose the following data structures:

struct fileSource ;

struct networkSource ;

struct windowSource ;

All of this data structures should represent a source of information. We add the following defines:

#define ISFILE 1

#define ISNETWORK 2

#define ISWINDOW 3

and now we can define a single information source structure:

struct Source info;

We have an integer at the start of our generic "Source" structure that tells us, which of the following possible types is the correct one. Then, we have a union that describes all of our possible data sources.

We fill the union by first assigning to it the type of the information that follows, an integer that must be one of the defined constants above. Then we copy to the union the corresponding structure. Note that we save a lot of wasted space, since all three structures will be stored beginning at the same location. Since a data source must be one of the structure types we have defined, we save wasting memory in fields that would never get used.

Another usage of unions is to give a different interpretation of the same data. For instance, an MMX register in an x86 compatible processor can be viewed as two integers of 32 bits, 4 integers of 16 bits, or 8 integers of 8 bits. Lcc-win32 describes this fact with a union:

typedef struct _pW _packedWord; // 16 bit integer

typedef struct _pDW _packedDWord; // 32 bit integer of two 16 bit integers

typedef struct _pQW _packedQWord; // 64 bits of two 32 bit structures

typedef union __Union _mmxdata; // This is the union of all those types

Union usage is not checked by the compiler, i.e. if you make a mistake and access the wrong member of the union, this will provoke a trap or another failure at run time. One way of debugging this kind of problem is to define all unions as structures during development, and see where you access an invalid member. When the program is fully debugged, you can switch back to the union usage.

This has nothing to do with object oriented programming of course. The word object is used here with its generic meaning.

The usage of the #pragma pack construct is explained in lcc-win32 user's manual. Those explanations will not be repeated here.

Note that putting structure names in typedefs all uppercase is an old habit that somehow belongs to the way I learned C, but is in no way required by the language. Personally I find those all-uppercase names clearer as a way of indicating to the reader that a user defined type and not a variable is used, since I have never used an all-uppercase name for a variable name. Separating these names by upper/lower case improves the readability of the program, but this is a matter of personal taste.

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