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Installing MOM 2005 on a Single Computer

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Installing MOM 2005 on a Single Computer

Authors: Py Bateman (S&T Onsite), John Hallows, James R. Morey

Program Managers: Harry Sinn, Travis Wright, Lorenzo Rizzi, Thomas Theiner

Published: June 2005

Applies To:   Microsoft Operations Manager 2005

Document Version:   Release 1.1

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Managing Editor: Sandra Faucett

Installing MOM 2005 on a Single Computer

Chapter 2

This chapter provides basic instructions for installing all Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 components on a single computer to create a single management group. A management group consists of a MOM Database, at least one MOM Management Server, the MOM Administrator console, the MOM Operator console, and managed computers. Optionally, a management group can include the MOM Reporting Server and the MOM Web console.

If you have less than 200 computers to manage, you can accomplish this by installing all MOM 2005 components on a single computer. If the number of managed computers grows, you can expand your management group by installing additional Management Servers on additional computers.

If you need to manage more than 200 computers, or if you want to provide for agent failover, it is recommended that you install the MOM components on separate computers. With agent failover, agents on managed computers can report to another Management Server in the same management group if their primary Management Server becomes unavailable. For instructions for deploying MOM across multiple computers, see Chapter 3, "Deploying MOM 2005 across Multiple Computers."

For more information about which MOM configuration best suits your needs, see the Performance and Sizing Guide at


For information about deploying MOM 2005 Workgroup Edition, see the note in chapter 1 "Introducing the MOM 2005 Deployment Guide" in this guide.

In This Chapter

Before You Begin

Deployment Scenario Description

Deployment Phases

Installing the MOM Components

Discovering Computers and Deploying Agents

Installing MOM 2005 Reporting

Importing MOM 2005 Management Packs

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Before You Begin

Before you begin deploying MOM, review the key concepts of MOM and your deployment design and planning documents. Areas to review include:

The MOM 2005 release notes to identify any changes that could affect planning for a new deployment.

The Performance and Sizing Guide at

The Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Security Guide.

The Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Supported Configurations data sheet on the MOM 2005 CD


You cannot install all of the MOM components on a single computer if that computer is part of a cluster.

Verifying Software and Hardware Requirements

You can run the MOM Prerequisite Checker in MOM Setup to check the hardware and software prerequisites and to create a report that lists what your computer requires to run MOM 2005.

For complete information about hardware and software requirements, see Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Supported Configurations data sheet located on the MOM 2005 CD.


Installing MOM without the MOM 2005 Management Pack is not supported. MOM will automatically import the Management Pack.

Software requirements

Check the computer that will host the MOM components or a MOM agent to ensure that all the software requirements are met. If a computer does not have the required software, either remove it from your deployment plan or install the required software.


Verify that all appropriate security updates, hotfixes, and service packs have been applied to the operating system and to applications that are required for deploying MOM components. You can do this by visiting the Windows Update website at

Hardware requirements

Check the computer that will host the MOM components or a MOM agent to ensure that the minimum hardware requirements have been met. If a computer does not meet the minimum hardware specification, either remove it from your rollout plan or upgrade it to the required hardware. Also verify that the available disk space on the computer falls within the supported guidelines for free disk space.

Verifying the MOM Service Accounts

There are three primary service accounts that MOM 2005 uses.

The Data Access Server (DAS) account provides centralized access to the MOM database.

The Management Server Action Account is used to run computer discovery and can be used to automatically install agents. The Management Server Action Account also enables a Management Server to communicate with, collect data from, and to run actions on, agentless-managed computers. It is also used to collect data from the registry, performance counters, and event logs of the local computer that the Management Server is installed on.


It is recommended that you use different accounts for the MOM Management Server Action Account and the Data Access Server (DAS) account.

The agent Action Account is used by MOM to collect data from, and to run actions on, agent-managed computers.

For more information about these service accounts, see the Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Security Guide.

MOM security groups required for the MOM Administrator and Operator consoles

MOM 2005 uses Windows security groups to assign and control access privileges to various MOM functionalities. You can grant a user access to use functions of the MOM consoles by making a user's domain account a member of the appropriate MOM user group on a Management Server. For more information, see the Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Security Guide.

Calculating the size of the MOM Database

Database sizing depends on a number of factors:

The number of computers that you plan to manage.

The number of events, alerts, and performance data that you plan to collect.

The Management Packs that you plan to deploy.

The frequency for grooming the MOM database.


The MOM Reporting Data Transformation Services (DTS) operations also require sufficient room in the Tempdb on the MOM Database Server to store the changed or new data before sending it over to the Reporting Database. The room needed will depend upon the same criteria as the sizing of the MOM Database, plus the grooming and DTS settings. By default the Tempdb is set to automatically grow so you need to ensure you have sufficient disk free space to support its final size.

The maximum supported size for the MOM database is 30 GB. It is recommended that you use a smaller size if possible. For optimum performance, it is a best practice to keep your database size below 15 GB. A smaller database can respond more quickly to events and alerts.

Setup automatically sets the size of the log file to 20 percent of the size of the database file. For example, if you configure the database file size to be 2 GB, MOM sets the log file to 400 MB.


When you set the size of the MOM database, remember that the database size cannot be reduced after you install MOM.

To best estimate the MOM 2005 database size that you need for a given number of managed computers, you should use the Performance and Sizing Guide at to assist you in determining what size your database should be.

Preparing the hard disk drives

Identify any hard disk drives that will be used for the MOM database and transaction logs and verify that there is sufficient space allocated to accommodate the size requirements of the database and log files.

It is recommended that you install the Microsoft SQL ServerT database and log files for MOM on a different hard disk drive from the paging file, which is usually on the same hard disk drive as the operating system.

Because the MOM database is very active, with events and alerts continuously being added to and removed from it, MOM requires adequate CPU power and memory to keep the host computer performing optimally.


Depending on the number of managed computers, the way that you configure the MOM database can directly affect the performance of your entire MOM system. This is especially critical in large network environments.

RAID arrays

Proper disk selection is especially important for operating an optimum MOM system. For best performance, install the MOM database on a RAID 10 array. RAID 10 provides high I/O rates by striping RAID 1 segments. If cost is not a concern and optimum performance is the key consideration, use RAID 1 or RAID 1+0 (RAID 10) for both the transaction log hard disk drive and the database hard disk drive.

RAID 10 delivers better performance because it requires only one additional write I/O operation for each write request (one write to each hard disk drive in the mirror). For example, a transaction at RAID 0 generates 10 reads and one write. The same transaction at RAID 1 or RAID 10 generates 10 reads and two writes. In contrast, using RAID 5, the same transaction generates 12 reads and two write operations.

For more information about the performance implications of database and log file location and RAID configurations, see the Performance and Sizing Guide at

Deployment Scenario Description

The deployment scenario in this chapter describes how you can deploy a single management group. In this scenario, all MOM components are installed on the same computer, and that computer and all managed computers are in the same Windows domain. You can install the MOM components and agents in multiple domains. For more information about installing the MOM components and agents in multiple domains, see chapter 7 "Deploying MOM 2005 in Advanced Environments" in this guide.

Deployment Phases

It is recommended that you divide your deployment tasks into phases to ensure that each MOM is installed in the correct order. The recommended phases for creating the MOM configuration described in this chapter are:

Install the MOM 2005 server components.

Discover computers and deploy agents.

Install MOM 2005 Reporting (optional).

Import Management Packs.

Setup installs the MOM 2005 Management Pack automatically when you install the MOM Server components. You can import additional Management Packs from the MOM 2005 product CD after you have installed the Management Servers, deployed agents, and, optionally, installed MOM Reporting.

Installing the MOM 2005 Components

The MOM server components include the MOM database, Management Server, and user interfaces - the MOM Administrator console and the MOM Operator console.


MOM installation might fail on computers that are running Microsoft Windows  2000 and also have a virus checker installed and running. To avoid a possible problem, you might want to disable the virus checker before you install MOM components.

Before installing the MOM database, you must first install and correctly configure SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a or later for use by the MOM database. You should also install all recommended hotfixes for SQL Server 2000 SP3a. If you are installing the MOM database on an existing SQL Server, you must verify that it is correctly configured.

A known issue might arise when MOM is bulk inserting data into the MOM database. A server process ID (SPID) might stop responding with a NETWORKIO (0x800) waittype and a constantly increasing waittime in SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager under Process Info or in the sysprocesses table in the master database. The only way to end the process is to remove the SPID.

You can obtain and install this hotfix:;en-us;884554


Installing the MOM 2005 database on the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) is not supported.

For more information about SQL Server configurations that have both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 7.0 installed, see article number Q300341 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at It is recommended that you review all articles related to SQL Server and MOM at

If you want to install the MOM Administrator console and the MOM Operator console on the Management Server, it is recommended that you set your display resolution to 1024 × 768, with 24-bit color.

Configuring Microsoft SQL Server 2000

For production installations, MOM 2005 supports only Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3.0a as the database for the MOM database.

SQL Server must be configured as follows:

Set database authentication to Windows only.

Set the SQL Server service account to run as Local System.


You can also run the SQL Server service under a domain user account. A domain user account might be used because many server-to-server activities can be performed only with a domain user account, such as remote procedure calls, replication, backing up to network drives, or heterogeneous joins that involve remote data sources. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online.

Set SQL Server to use TCP/IP Sockets for client connections.

If you are installing MOM on a computer that is already running SQL Server and SQL Server is not configured as described, use Enterprise Manager to change the settings.

Configuring Windows Services for SQL Server

Verify that both the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) and the SQL Server Agent (SQLSERVERAGENT) services are started and configured to start automatically when the computer starts.

Verifying SQL Server Installation

Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager on the local computer and verify that you can connect to the SQL Server instance (or instances) that you want to use and verify that the default SQL Server databases Tempdb, master, and msdb are installed.

Configuring Database Memory

A best practice is to install sufficient memory to meet the server's needs, but in limited memory situations it is important that you configure the database correctly for memory usage because in such situations, the computer processes can consume all the memory and cause page faults. By default, SQL Server dynamically adjusts its memory usage based on demand and available system resources. This means that SQL Server uses as much unallocated RAM as it requires, and then releases RAM when other resources need memory. To prevent this, you can limit the amount of memory that SQL Server uses by configuring the memory to be static, instead of dynamic.


Configuring the memory used by SQL Server to be fixed will result in reduced MOM performance.

If you must restrict the memory allocated to SQL Server, to calculate the fixed amount of memory that you should use, subtract the memory required by your operating system and any other critical services or SQL Server instances running on the computer, and then apply the remainder to the fixed memory setting.

To configure SQL Server memory

Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

Expand Microsoft SQL Servers, and then expand SQL Server Group.

Right-click the server that you want to configure, and then click Properties.

On the Memory tab, click Use a fixed memory size (MB) and move the slider to specify the amount of RAM that you want to allocate for SQL Server.

MOM Database Installation Best Practices

The correct installation of the MOM database is very important. If installed incorrectly, the consequence is poor performance.


MOM installation might fail on computers that have a virus checker installed and running. To avoid a possible problem, disable the virus checker until after you install MOM components..

Some MOM Database installation best practices are as follows:

Before installation, see the Performance and Sizing Guide at to assist you in determining what size your database should be.

Install the SQL Server database and log files for MOM on a different hard disk drive from the paging file, which is usually on the same hard disk drive as the operating system.

Install the MOM database (EeaData.mdf) and log files (EeaLog.ldf) on separate hard disk drives for greater efficiency.


Partitioning a physical disk drive into logical drives for the purposes of separating the MOM database, log files, and paging file will not improve performance because the hard disk drive is still governed by the same disk controller. The database and log files must be on a separate physical drive for the performance increase.

For more information about configuring SQL Server to avoid possible slow performance of the MOM database, see article number Q295836 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

It is recommended that you review all articles related to SQL Server and Operations Manager at

To install the MOM components on one computer

Log on to the computer on which you want to install MOM using an account with administrative credentials. This account must have at least "DBO" privileges on the master and msdb databases on the SQL Server instance as well.


You cannot use Terminal Services to connect to the computer where you are installing MOM 2005, if the remote computer is running on Windows 2000. Terminal Services will attempt use the remote computer's Local System account to install MOM. This account does not have sufficient privileges. In this case using the Remote Connection feature of the Windows 2000 and later operating systems is recommended as an alternative.

Close all open applications.


Remote applications that are monitoring the server on which MOM is being setup may impact the setup. You might have to stop these applications and restart the computer you are trying to install MOM on.

On the MOM 2005 product CD, double-click setup.exe.

In the Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Setup Resources dialog box, on the Setup Tasks tab,, click Install Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 to start the MOM 2005 Setup Wizard.

On the Installation Options page, click Typical, and then click Next. The Typical installation options installs the MOM database, Management Server, and consoles.


The Typical installation option does not install the Web console, MOM Connector Framework, or Product Connect by default. If you want these features all on one computer, use the Custom installation option and select them.

The Prerequisite Check page indicates whether you have met all the requirements for installing the MOM components.

On the SQL Server Database Instance page, select the server instance in the SQL Server database instance list on which you want to install the MOM database.


If they are stopped, Setup automatically starts the MSSQLSERVER and SQLSERVERAGENT services when you install and uninstall MOM.

Setup also stops and restarts the Windows Management Instrumentation service when you uninstall MOM.

On the Database and Log File Options page, type the initial size of the MOM database; the default setting is 1 GB (1,000 MB). To change the default installation location of either the data file or the log file (recommended, see the note below), click Advanced, and then click the appropriate Change button.


By default, the MOM 2005 Setup Wizard installs the data file and log file on the same hard disk drive. For the best performance, it is recommended that you change this setting to install the data file and log file on different hard disk drives. It is also recommended that you do not install either the data file or the log file on the same hard disk drive that the operating system's paging file is installed on.

The minimum supported size for the MOM database is 300 MB. The maximum supported size for the MOM database is 30 GB. For the best performance, it is recommended that you use a smaller size database if possible. It is a best practice to maintain your database between 12 GB and 15 GB. For more information, see the Performance and Sizing Guide at

The MOM 2005 Setup Wizard automatically sets the size of the log file to 20 percent of the size of the data file. For example, if you set the data file size to be 2 GB; the MOM 2005 Setup Wizard automatically sets the log file size to be 400 MB.

On the Management Group Name page, type the name that you want to use for the management group. This name represents the database; you can use a name (consisting of alphanumeric characters) of your choice but each management group name should be unique within your MOM environment. A best practice for large systems is to use a naming convention to establish the management groups.

On the Management Server Action Account page, enter the account that you want the Management Server to use to push-install agents on remote computers. If you are using this account to push-install agents on remote computers, it must have administrative privileges on all target computers. If you are not using this account to push-install agents, then this account can be a local user account. For more information, see the Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Security Guide.

On the Data Access Server Account page, enter the domain account that you want MOM to use to log onto and communicate with the MOM database.


If the SQL Server instance is set to case-sensitive, the DAS account credential information must be entered exactly or it will not be accepted.

On the MOM Error Reporting page, select the Enable error reporting check box (optional).

If you want MOM to automatically send service error reports to Microsoft, enable error reporting. It is recommended that you use the default Automatically send error reports to Microsoft option. If you choose the Queue error reports and let me approve sending them to Microsoft option, MOM stores error reports on the computer where they occur. The next time that you log onto that computer, a dialog box appears, which you can use to send the accumulated reports.

For more information about error reporting, see the Microsoft Data Collection Policy at


The computer must have an active connection to the Internet for this feature to work.

On the Active Directory Configuration page, select the appropriate option for your environment and for this management group.

If all computers for this management group are in Active Directory domains that trust each other, choose Yes so that MOM can use mutual authentication for all communication between Management Servers and agents. Otherwise, choose No. For more information, see the Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Security Guide.

On the Ready to Install page, click Install.


The initial creation of a SQL Server database can take several minutes depending on the size of the database specified, during this period the progress bar will not move, once the processes to create the database objects begins it will start to move again.

On the Last page, leave the Start the MOM Administrator console checkbox selected and click Finish. This will complete setup and then open the MOM 2005 Administrator console so that you can discover computers and install agents on them.

Discovering Computers and Deploying Agents

Before you begin deploying agents, determine which computers you want MOM to discover and manage with MOM agents.

For detailed information about discovering computers and deploying agents, see Chapter 4, "Discovering Computers and Deploying Agents."

Installing MOM 2005 Reporting (Optional)

The MOM Reporting Server includes the MOM Reporting database and a scheduled job that periodically transfers data from the MOM database to the MOM Reporting database. You can then use the MOM Reporting console to run and view MOM reports that use data from the MOM Reporting database. The MOM Reporting console runs within the SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services by using a supported browser.

The MOM Reporting database and the MOM database can be on the same computer or on separate computers, on the same SLQ Server instance or another instance. For optimum performance, especially in a large network environment, it is recommended that you install MOM Reporting a dedicated computer.


You should install MOM Reporting before you import MOM 2005 Management Packs, which include MOM reports. If you do not, you will have to re-import the reports after installing MOM Reporting.

For detailed instructions about installing MOM Reporting, see Chapter 5, "Deploying MOM 2005 Reporting."

Importing MOM 2005 Management Packs

When you install MOM 2005, the MOM Management Pack is automatically installed. After you have installed all the agents within a management group to MOM 2005, you can import other MOM 2005 Management Packs.

For detailed instructions about importing MOM 2005 Management Packs, see Chapter 6, "Deploying MOM 2005 Management Packs."

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