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Requirements for Using the Enclosed Windows XP* Embedded Configuration File

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Requirements for Using the Enclosed Windows XP* Embedded Configuration File

The following hardware and software is required to properly use the enclosed Mi 14414t1910o crosoft Windows XP Embedded configuration file:

Windows XP Embedded Studio* with Service Pack 1, version 2002

Intel® 875P/E6300ESB Scalable Performance Board Development Kit

Intel® 875P/E6300ESB Scalable Performance Board C200 BIOS, optimal settings

Two hard drives: one for Windows XP Embedded Studio install, and one for target operating system (OS) image

Pentium® 4 processor (with or without Hyper-Threading)

CD-ROM drive

Video card

Standard PS/2 keyboard and mouse

The following Windows XP Embedded related files are included with the Windows driver package:

CWESB.SLX - Windows XP Embedded component configuration file

CWESB.LOG - Build log from configuration file

The SLX configuration file specifies what components Windows XP Embedded Studio will use from its repository to place into the OS image. The OS image is essentially a Windows XP installation that is ready to be run as a normal OS once it is generated. The enclosed configuration has been designed specifically for use on an Intel® 875P/E6300ESB Scalable Performance Board Development Kit. Modifications to the configuration may be necessary if using this file on a platform/system other than the one specified above. Although the configuration file contains many components critical to using the operating system, not all the components specified are necessarily required for system operation. Likewise, some components supporting particular applications are not included must be added separately if functionality is desired.

Installing and Running Windows XP Embedded Studio Software

Obtain a copy of the program Windows XP Embedded Studio with Service Pack 1. The Studio program contains the tools and components necessary to create an OS image. Install all the program options provided from the CD auto-run menu, specifically the Tools Setup and Component Database.

After all the programs have been installed, prepare a hard drive to have the Windows XP Embedded OS image written to it. To prepare a hard drive:

Ensure that a separate hard drive is properly attached to the system.

Use the Computer Management program found in the Administrative Tools group of the Control Panel and select the Disk Management applet.

Find the disk where you want to create the Windows XP Embedded OS image and delete any existing partitions on that disk. You can bring up a menu of options by right-clicking on any partition or on an empty partition location.

Create a new NTFS partition that is 1 Gbyte or greater and format it.

Make the newly created partition active by right-clicking on the partition and selecting Make Partition Active.

The hard drive is now ready to have a Windows XP Embedded OS image written to it.

Run the newly installed program Target Designer, which is part of the Windows Embedded Studio group.

Within the program, open the SLX configuration file that came with the driver package.

Select the Configuration pulldown menu and choose Build Target Image.

On the pop-up window, select the Build Type as Release, choose the Destination as the root drive of your newly created partition, and click Build.

The program asks if you want to run a dependency check - select Yes.

The program asks if you want to delete the destination directory - select Yes.

The program builds the Windows XP Embedded OS on the target drive, using the configuration file that came with the driver package. When the build has completed, check the build log. There should no errors and one warning. The warning indicates that the image will expire eventually after first run. An example of this is illustrated in the build log that came with the driver package, CWESB.LOG.

The hard drive is now ready to boot the Windows XP Embedded OS on the target system.

Installing Driver Package on a Windows XP Embedded Operating System

To install the inf update utility and devices drivers on a Windows XP Embedded OS, follow the same procedures as specified in the release notes for a regular Windows XP OS. Note that when running the inf update utility, the program will ask for the locations of a few device files. The following is a list of those files and paths located on the generated OS image:














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