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What settings are added or changed in Windows XP Service Pack 2

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What settings are added or changed in Windows XP Service Pack 2?

Setting name


Default value

Possible values

Disable Crash Detection

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Policies \Microsoft\Internet Explorer \Restric 22422r1714w tions

NoCrashDetection : DWORD

0 - Off,

1 - On

Disable Extension Management

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software \Policies \Microsoft\Internet Explorer \Restric 22422r1714w tions

NoExtensionManagement : DWORD


0 - Off,

1 - On

Management Mode

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE \Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Policies \Ext\

ManagementMode : DWORD


0 - Normal,

1 - AllowList,

2 -DenyList

Allow List

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE \Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Policies\Ext \AllowList


GUID subkeys

Deny List

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \SOFTWARE \Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Policies\Ext \DenyList


GUID subkeys

Do I need to change my code to work with Windows XP Service Pack 2?

No. Your code does not need to change to work with Internet Explorer Add-on Crash Detection or Add-on Management.

Internet Explorer Binary Behaviors Security Setting

What does Binary Behaviors Security Setting do?

Internet Explorer contains dynamic binary behaviors: components that encapsulate specific functionality for HTML elements to which they were attached. These binary behaviors are not controlled by any Internet Explorer security setting which allows them to work on Web pages in the Restricted Sites zone. In Windows XP Service Pack 2, there is a new Internet Explorer security setting for binary behaviors. This new setting disables binary behaviors in the Restricted Sites zone by default. This new binary behaviors security setting provides a general mitigation to vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer binary behaviors.

For more information on binary behaviors, such as how they work, and how to implement them, see "Cutting Edge: Binary Behaviors in Internet Explorer 5.5" on the Microsoft Web site at Note that binary behaviors, which are defined in C++ and compiled, are different from Attached Behaviors and Element Behaviors, which are defined in script.

Who does this feature apply to?

Application developers whose applications use Internet Explorer functionality in the Restricted Sites zone should review this feature to plan to adopt changes in their applications. For example, e-mail applications that render HTML e-mail in the Restricted Sites zone might need to be modified.

Users can only be impacted by applications that do not completely render HTML content with this new setting. These applications will typically alert the user that some active behavior has been blocked from display. For example, when Outlook Express encounters this situation, it informs the user that it has restricted active content in the e-mail.

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