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Curs este destinat studentilor de anul I, specializarea navigatie

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Acest curs este destinat studentilor de anul I, specializarea navigatie, frecventa redusa. Avīnd in vedere particularitatile acestei forme de īnvatamīnt, cursul a fost elaborat pentru studiul individual. Cursul este alcatuit din opt unitati cu urmatoarea structura: tema unitatii, vocabularul de specialitate aferent temei; gramatica-teorie; exercitii de vocabular si de gramatica cu raspunsuri, test de autoevaluare cu cheie. Exercitiile si testele sunt precedate de instructiuni clare privind cerintele pentru rezolvarea sarcinilor (tasks).

Obiectivele cursului sunt: dezvoltarea si perfectionarea capacitatilor de īntelegere si exprimare orala, citire si scriere īn limba engleza, dezvoltarea si perfectionarea priceperilor si deprinderilor de folosire corecta, oral si in scris, a limbii engleze, extinderea vocabularului, īnsusirea si aplicarea normelor gramaticale īn exprimarea situativa conform tematicii prezentate īn unitatea de studiu; extinderea vocabularului prin īnsusirea termenilor tehnico-marinaresti referitor la nomenclatura navei, aparatura. Echipamente si instalatiile de la bord, īnsusirea cuvintelor si expressilor standard recomandate de conventia STCW 98 pentru traficul maritim.

Vreau sa aduc multumiri colegelor mele Camelia Alibec si Ana Ion, care au contribuit la partea de gramatica a acestui curs precum si doamnei Daniela Ursea de la Centrul de Calcul pentru elaborarea īn format electronic al acestui curs.


1.Unit.1. Ship Structure;The Noun;Vocabulary Practice;Vocabulary Practice-Answer Key;GrammarPractice; Grammar Practice Answer-Key;Self-Test; Self-Test Answer-Key

2.Unit.2. Ship's Dimensions;Articles and other determiners;Vocabulary Practice;Vocabulary Practice-Answer Key;Grammar Practice; Grammar Practice-Answer Key; Self-Test; Self-Test Answer-Key.

3.Unit.3. Directions.Terms Relating to Position in a   Ship;Adjectives:kind,position,comparison;Vocabulary Practice; Vocabulary practice Answer Key;Grammar Practice;Grammar Practice-Answer Key;Self-Test;Self-Test Answer key.

4.Unit.4. Propulsion, Steering and the Bridge;Adverbs:kind, position,comparison;Vocabulary Practice;Vocabulary Practice-Answer Key;Grammar Practice;Grammar Practice-AnswerKey;Self-Test;Self-Test Answer Key

5.Unit.5. NavalEquipment: Ground 222t197c Tackle;The Simple Present and the Present Continuous;Vocabulary Practice/Vocabulary Practice Answer-Key;Grammar Practice; Grammar Practice Answer Key;Self-Test;Self-Test Answer Key.

6. Unit.6. Naval Equipment:Signal Lights, Flags and Bells;The Present Perfect Simple and Continuous;Vocabulary Practice;Vocabulary Practice-Answer Key;Grammar Practice;Grammar Practice-Answer key;Self-Test;Self-Test;Answer Key

7. Unit.7.Seamanship:Different Types of Rope; The Simple Past Tense and Past Tense Continuous; Vocabulary Practice; Vocabulary Practice-Answer Key;Grammar Practice;Grammar practice-Answer Key; Self-Test;Self-Test Answer Key.

8. Unit.8. Manning:The Traditional Organization of a ship's Crew;The Simple Past Perfect and The Past Perfect Continuous;Vocabulary Practice; Vocabulary Practice-Answer Key;Grammar Practice; Grammar Practice-Answer Key;Self-Test;Self-Test Answer Key.

Unit 1.


Objectives: After studying the topic presented in the course book the learners should be able to: identify the main parts of a hull on a layout; recognise, match and label the various decks and name their functions; give Romanian equivalents to the English terms relating to the hull and decks.

General Structure of the Ship

The main body of the ship is called the hull. The hull consists of an inside framework and an outside skin called shell plating. At the base of the hull is a heavy metal plate called the keel. When the ship is at sea this part of the ship is under water. To make it easier to refer to parts of the ship, the hull is divided into three areas or parts. They are the forward, amidships and after parts. The forward part is nearest the bow. The after part is nearest the stern. Amidships is in the centre part of the ship.

Identify the main parts of the hull in the diagram below:

c. hand in hand; the matter in hand; to take in hand; light in hand; at hand; by hand; to bind hand and foot; supplies on hand; to have a free hand; to have an open hand; to shake hands; clean hands; off hand; hand and glove; hand over; from hand to mouth; out of hand; at first hand; second hand; from good hands.

A. Choose some of them and make sentences of your own.

B. Find some more new set expressions and build up sentences of your own.

Exercise 12. Put the definite or the indefinite article into the blank spaces where necessary. Translate the jokes.

A) (1. ...) landlord was sitting with his shephard on (2. ...) hill commanding (3. ...) fine view of (4. ...) valley. Seeing (5. ...) flock of (6. ...) sheep at (7. ...) rest in (8. ...) shadiest nook, he observed to his companion, "John, if I were (9. ... ) sheep, I would prefer to lie in(10. ...) sun." "Ah, my lord," retorted (11. ...) shepherd, "were you (12. ...) sheep, you would have more sense."

B) "If (1. ...) earthquake engulfed England, (2. ...) English would manage to meet among (3. ...) ruins and organize (4. ...) dinner just to celebrate (5. ...) painful event." That's what (6. ... ) people of (7. ... ) other nationalities are apt to say about (8. ...) English. Should (9. ...) English be consulted on (10. ...) subject they would say (11. ...) same thing about (12. ...) French and their love of (13. ...) good dinners.

C) (1. ...) outside temperature being ten degrees below (2. ...) zero, it was unusually cold in (3. ...) school room.

"What is (4. ...) Latin for cold?" asked (5. ...) school-master addressing one of his boys, who seemed to be suffering from cold more than (6. ...) others. "Oh, sir," answered (7. ...) lad, his hands thrust in his trousers' pockets, "I can't tell you for (8. ...) moment, although I have it at my fingers' ends."

D)Dr. Crisp was invited to (1. ...) party in (2. ...) country place. (3. ...) dinner being late and(4. ...) company not quite to his taste, (5. ...) doctor strolled out into (6. ...) garden and then to (7. ...) nearby churchyard. When (8. ...) dinner was served at last and (9. ...) doctor had not yet returned, one of (10. ...) guests wondered where he could have gone. (11. ...) master of (12. ...) house, annoyed by Dr. Crisp's (13. ...) absence, explained that (14 ) churchyard being not far from there, (15. ...) doctor had gone to visit his former patients.

E)(1. ...) Englishman, driving in (2. ...) hackney-coach through France, was annoyed at (3. ...) slowness of (4. ...) pace. He tried to make (5. ...) coachman drive faster but all in vain. (6. ...) man couldn't understand either his English or his broken French. Then it occured to (7. ...) Englishman, both his English and his French being Greek to (8. ...) coachman, to use (9. ...) high-sounding words that might frighten (10. ...) fellow. So he roared into his ear. "Westmorland, Cumberland, Northumberland, Durham!" which had (11. ...) desired effect, (12. ...) coachman taking these words for some terrible threat.

F) In 1870 Mark Twain was walking along (1. ...) streets of Boston when he noticed in (2. ...) shop window (3. ...) machine he had never seen before. He entered (4. ...) shop,asked (5. ...) shop-assistant how (6. ...) ,,monster" functioned and bought it for 125 dollars. He brought home (7. ...) machine he had nicknamed "(8. ...) monster" and started practising on it at once. (9. ...) machine was (10. ...) typewriter and Mark Twain typed (l1. ...) whole book on it. When he brought his "manuscript" to (12. ...) editor, (13. ...) latter was delighted. He made Mark Twain promise him to bring everything he would write later on typed, on this wonderful machine.

(14. ...) Tom Sawyer was (15. ...) first book Mark Twain had typewritten.

G) You certainly know that (1. ...) waterproof coat is often called (2. ...) mackintosh. But perhaps you don't know that (3. ...) word is (4. ...) surname.

In (5. ...) year 1823 in (6. ...) Scotland there lived (7. ...) man whose (8. ...)name was Charles Mackintosh. (9. ...) climate of his country being rainy, he would often get drenched to (10. ...) skin and heartily disliked it. One day, having some rubber at his disposal, he decided to rubberize his coat. Now he could walk outdoors in any weather, his rubberized coat protecting him from (11. ...) rain. Most of his friends and (12. ...) friends of his friends admired (13. ...) waterproof coat and wanted to have their own coats rubberized likewise. Soon (14. ...) tradesmen took up his invention. (15. ...) Waterproof coats became all (16. ...) fashion and (17. ...) staple product of (18. ...) town, (19. ...) name of (2o. ...) inventor, though not (21. ...) inventor himself, getting (22. ...) worldwide popularity.

Exercise 13. Fill in the gaps with the where necessary.

I hate 1 ___ November! It doesn't get light till 2 ___ 8 o'clock in 3 ___ morning. Then it's dark again as early as 4 ___ 4 o'clock in 5 ___ afternoon. After 6 ___ Christmas, 7 ___ days start to get a bit longer, but 8 ___ weather starts to get colder. On 9 ___ Friday 10 ___ last week, 11 ___ temperature was minus 10 C. 12 ___ next week 13 ___ weather forecast is 14 ___ same.

Exercise 14. Put a or an before these words: 1 job, 2 union, 3 unusual name 4 enormous ice cream 5 holiday, 6 honest man.

Exercise 15. Put in a/ an where necessary:

1. She works in restaurant in street near the station.

2. For lunch she only has apple and glass of milk.

3. Any's friend works in pub. She's barmaid. She works three evenings week. She earns £ 4.50 hour.

Exercise 16. Match the two parts of the sentences.

a. I normally go to the dentist once   1. a dozen

b. These roses cost $20 2. a litre

c. The car was doing 150 kilometers   3. a year

d. Lamb is selling at £ 7.50 4. a week

e. The Sunday Mail is published once 5. a metre

f. Electric cable costs 50 cents   6. a kilo

g. How much is the oil? ~ £ 2.50 7. a day

h. The mail is delivered twice   8. an hour

Exercise 17. Complete the sentences with a/ an or the.

1. ___ taxi they phoned for arrived late at their house.

2. ___ taxi-driver didn't say he was sorry.

3. ___ traffic jam was caused by ___ accident on___ motorway. ___ car had collided with ___ lorry.

Exercise 18. Put in the where necessary:

1. We had ___ breakfast at ___ home in London before we left.

2. ___ bus station was on 38th Street.

3. We went to ___ hotel by ___ taxi.

4. We're flying home ___ next Thursday.

Exercise 19. Complete the sentences, using the where necessary.

1. Our hotel manager went to ___ school in England, then went to ___ university in the States.

2. The New York police arrested a man for the shooting. He was a cleaner at ___ university.

3. He'll appear in ___ court next week. He'll definitely go to ___ prison.

Exercise 20. There are seven examples of the in this text. How do you know which thing or person the writer is referring to, in each case?a. because it is only one in the immediate situation;

b. because it is only one anywhere;

c. because it has been referred to before, in the text;

d. because the writer is specifying which one, by adding extra information.Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon. The words that he said are famous: 'That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for the mankind.' He and his co-pilot Buzz Aldrin then planted a flag and collected rocks. The flag is probably still there. The rocks have helped the scientists understand the history of the solar system.

Exercise 21 Complete the sentences with a or an, the or no article.

1. 'How much are the leeks?' 'They're 80 pence a pound.'

2. I went to ___ wonderful concert by ___ London Symphony Orchestra.

3. ___ local school is soon to be closed.

4. I usually go to ___ work by ___ train.

5. Is ___ meat in ___ oven?

6. Is this ___ first time you've been to ___ Isle of Man?

7. He's ___ art teacher and she's ___ electrician.

8. A lot of people give ___ money to ___ charity at this time of the year.

9. What ___ beautiful face that child's got!

10. ___ British usually have ___ butter on their bread.

11. ___ life is very difficult for ___ unemployed these days.

12. ___ Leader of ___ Opposition is in danger of losing her seat at ___ next election.

13. I like to have ___ cup of ___ tea when I wake up in ___ morning.

14. I saw ___ fox this morning. I think it must have been ___ same one that I saw last week.

15. Can I have ___ apple?

16. Have you ever seen ___ Acropolis in ___ Athens?

17. ___ police have had a lot of support from ___ general public over this issue.

18. ___ shirts on ___ washing-line should be nearly dry now.

19. ___ people don't like him because of his selfish life.

20. I bought my sister ___ book and ___ bottle of ___ perfume for her birthday but I don't think she liked ___ perfume.

6. Grammar Practice-Answer Key

Exercise 1: 1.A noun is a word. 2.A city is a big town. 3.A horse is an animal. 4.A rose is a beautiful flower. 5.A table is a piece of furniture.

Exercise 2: the, the, a, the.

Exercise 3: 1.a ,-, a. 2. the ,-. 3. the 4. the, the 5.-, -, the 6.-, the 7.-, a 8. the, - 9.-, -, 10. the, -, an, the.

Exercise 4: 1.a, a 2.-, - 3.a, - 4.-, the, the 5.-, the 6.a, -, a 7. the, the, the 8. an 9.-, a, -10. the, the, the.

Exercise 5: 1.-, the(an) 2.a, a, the 3.-, the 4.-, the 5.-, - 6.-, -, the 7.-, -, - 8. an, -, - 9. the, the 10 .the, an.

Exercise 6. an enormous, a diameter, the earth, a train, an hour, the stars, the one, a diameter, the thousands, a powerful, the naked, the earth, a hundredth, the full.

Exercise 7. the, the, -, the, the, -, the, the, -, a, the, the, -, -, the, the, -, a, the, -, -, -, the, the, a, the, -, -, the, the, a, -, -, an, -, the, the, an, the, a, -, -, a, the, -.

Exercise 8. 1. the 2. the, the, the 3. the, the 4. the 5. the, the 6. the, the 7. -, the, the 8. the, the, the 9. the, the, the 10. the, - 11. the, the 12. -, the, the 13. - 14. the, -, the 15. -, the, the 16. the 17. -, -, -, the, the 18. the, the 19. the, the, the 20. -, -, - 21. -, the.

Exercise 9. 1 .-, a, a, a, a 2. a, a 3. a, a 4. an, a, a 5. a, a 6. a, a, a 7. a, a, a, a 8. a 9. a 10. a, a 11. an, a, a, a, a, a 12. a 13. a, a 14. a, a 15. an, -, a.

Exercise 10. 1. -,-,the, a, 2. the, the, -, a, -, a, the 3. the, the,the 4. the, a, the, the, an, -5. -, the, the,the 6. a, -, 7. -, -, -, the 8. the, the,the , the, a, a, the, the 9. the, -, the, -, -10. the, - 11. the/ a,the, the 12. the, a, the, a 13. the, the, -, the, the 14 a ,the, the, the/an, the/an 15. -, -, -, an.

Exercise 12 :

A)1.a, 2.a, 3.a, 4.the, 5.the, 6.-, 7.-, 8.the, 9.a, 10.the, 11.the, 12.a.

B), 2.the, 3.the, 4.a, 5.the, 6.-, 7.-, 8.the, 9.the, 10.the, 11.the, 12.the, 13.-.

C)1.the, 2.-, 3.the, 4.the, 5.the, 6.the, 7.the, 8.the

D)1.a, 2.a, 3.the, 4.the, 5.the, 6.the, 7.the, 8.the, 9.the, 10.the, 11.the, 12.the, 13.-, 14.the, 15.the.E), 2.a, 3.the, 4.the, 5.the, 6.the, 6.the, 7.the, 8.the, 9.-, 10.the, 11.the, 12.the.

F)1.the, 2.a, 3.a, 4.the, 5.the, 6.the, 7.the, 8.the, 9.the, 10.a, 11.a, 12.the, 13.the, 14.-, 15.the.G)1.a, 2.a, 3.the, 4.a, 5.the, 6.-, 7.a, 8.-, 9.the, 10.the, 11.the, 12.the, 13.the, 14.-, 15.-, 16.the, 17.a, 18.the, 19.the, 20.the, 21.the, 22.a.

Exercise 13. 1 -, 2 -, 3 the, 4 -, 5 the, 6 -, 7 the, 8 the, 9 -, 10 -, 11 the, 12 -, 13 the, 14 the,

Exercise 14. 1 a, 2 a, 3 an, 4 an, 5 a, 6 an

Exercise 15. 1 a restaurant, a street 2 an apple, a glass, 3 a pub, a barmaid, a week, an hour

Exercise 16. a-3, b-1, c-8, d-6, e-4, f-5, g-2, h-7

Exercise 17. 1. The, 2. The, 3. The, an, the, A, a.

Exercise 18. 1. -, -, 2. the, -, 3. the, -, 4.-

Exercise 19. 1. -, -, 2. the, 3. -, -

Exercise 20. d, d, d, c, c, d, b

Exercise 21. 1. the, a 2. a, the 3. the 4. -, -, 5. the, the, 6. the, the, 7. an, an, 8. -, -, 9. a, 10. the, -, 11. -, the, 12. the, the, the, 13. a, -, the, 14. a, the, 15. an 16. the, -, 17. the, the, 18.


I.           Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B.

A   B

1. LOA

a)The relation of the length of the draft and the bow and stern

2. Trim

b) The vertical distance from the waterline to the lowest part of the ship's bottom

3. LBP

c) It is measured from the extreme forward end of the bow to the extreme end of the stern.

4. Beam

d) It is measured from the forward surface of the stem to the after surface of the sternpost.

5. Draft

e) The ship is out of balance from left to right

6. List

f) The width of the ship(over the plating) taken at any position along the length.


II.        Fill in the blanks with the appropriate term(s).

The---is the line at which a ship floats in the water, depending on its load.

A set of marks are painted on the bows, the stern and amidships. These marks are called--- ----

Large vessels are usually vessels of deep draft or--- ----


What is your draft forward?

What is your present maximum draft?

I have a list to starboard of 10 degrees.

What is your freeboard?

The vessel is on even keel.

Maximum permitted draft is 20m.

The vessel is trimmed by the head.

What is your LOA?

What is your LBP?

Do you have a list? 20p

IV.      Complete the table below to show which quantifiers can be used with the countable noun 'vessels' and the uncountable noun 'money'.


Countable noun

Uncountable noun



A lot of



A little


A large amount



10p 8.Self-Test-answer key

1c; 2a; 3d; 4f;5b;6e

II.        Fill in the blanks with the appropriate term(s)

length on load waterline


draft marks

hampered vessels

III.     Give Romanian equivalents the the following standard Marine Communication Phrases

Care este pescajul prova?

Care este pescajul maxim actual?

Am o īnclinare spre babord

Care este bordul liber?

Nava este pe chila dreapta

Pescajul maxim permis/admis

Nava este aprovata

Care este lungimea maxima?

Care este lungimea īntre perpendiculare?

Esti canarisit/bandat?

IV.      Complete the table below to show which quantifiers can be used with the countable noun 'vessels' and the uncountable noun 'money'.


Countable noun

Uncountable noun






A lot of







A little




A large amount








Unit 3.



Objectives:After studying the topic in the course book the learner should be able to:identify directions on a diagram; compare terms used to express direction and position on board ship with terms used on land; describe a traditional as well as a modern general cargo vessel using terms relating to position and direction on board ship correctly.

One way in which the language of the sea and the language used on land are different is in the terminology of directions. When a sailor gets on a ship he goes aboard. He doesn't go to the back of the ship, he goes aft. If he wants to walk toward the bow of the ship, he goes forward .If he doesn't find what he wants, he checks fore and aft, which means from the bow to the stern. If that doesn't help, he looks abaft which means further to the rear, or astern (behind the stern). He never watches the sea from the right side of the ship, he watches from the starboard. The left side is always called the port side. If he sees something directly off either side of the ship, it's located abeam. An object or area which lies across the ship from the starboard to the port side is said to be athwartships. Anything in the centre of the ship is located amidships. A sailor looking to either side of the ship from amidships is facing outboard. Somebody watching him from either side has to face inboard. Something over him from any part of the ship is above. If it's very high, such as on a mast, it's aloft .If it's under him, it's below. Something away from the wind is lee. If it's in a lee direction, it's leeward.If it moves in a lee direction, it goes leeway. If it's near the ship, it's close aboard.

1.1. Vocabulary

Aft = in spate, spre pupa

Forward = in fata, spre prova

Fore and aft = de-a lungul

Abaft = la pupa, aproape de pupa; inapoia, spre/catre/inspre pupa

Astern = inapoi, in spate, la/in pupa; mers inapoi; cu mers/mars inapoi

Starboard side = tribord

Port side = babord

Abeam = la travers, de la travers

Athwartships = transversal/travers pe nava; la traversul navei

Amidships = la centrul/mijlocul navei; in axul navei; la cuplul maestru; pozitie zero a cirmei

Outboard = peste bord, in exteriorul navei

Inboard = interior, in interiorul navei

Above = deasupra; in amonte

Aloft = in gabie, in arborada, sus pe verga

Below = jos, sub

Lee = bord de sub vint, zona de calm ( in bordul de sub vint al navei) ; sub vint

Leeward = bord de sub vint; a veni sub vint (despre nava);sub vint, la adapost de vint

Close aboard = foarte aproape, la mica distanta (de nava)

Look at the diagram below and identify the following directions:

( forward, aft, abaft, astern, on the port side, on the starboard side, abeam, athwartships ,amidships)

e.g. a is forward

a f

b g

c h

d e

Study the diagram below:

As you have noticed, there is a tanker at the centre of the diagram and a host of ships around her. The position of these ships in relation to the tanker can be expressed in the following way:

a)      Ship A is (dead) ahead./Ship A is ahead of the tanker.

b)      Ship B is on the starboard bow.

c)      Ship C is before the starboard beam.

d)      Ship D is before the starboard beam.

e)      Ship E is abaft the starboard beam.

f)       Ship F is on the starboard quarter.

g)      Ship G is (dead astern)/Ship G is astern of the tanker.

h)      Ship H is on the port quarter.

i)        Ship I is abaft the port beam.

j)        Ship J is abeam./Ship J is on the port beam

k)      Ship K is before the port beam.

l)        Ship L is on the port bow.

Answer to task 1.2

a is forward ; b is aft; c is abaft; d is astern; e is on the port side; f is on the starboard; g is abeam; h is athwartships; i is amidships


Adjectives are words that modify and describe nouns and pronouns. They are the colour commentators of language, the words that give your writing and speech flavour. They answer the questions: What kind?, How much?, Which one?, How many?

What kind? nose/gold ring

How much?...more sugar/little effort

Which one?...second wife/those units

How many?...several students/six cadets

There are 5 kinds of adjectives:

a)      common adjectives-describe nouns and pronouns (strong man, green plant)

b)      proper adjectives are formed from proper nouns ( Mexican food)

c)      compound adjectives-are formed by more than one word (far-off country, teenage person)

d)      indefinite adjectives-describe general quantities;most of them were pronouns in their first lives (another, both, each, either, all, more)

The comparison of adjectives

There are three degrees of comparison:

The positive degree-shows the presence of a quality, wihout making any comparison: He is tall/She is beautiful.

The comparative degree-compares two objects showing the presence of quality in three ways:

Equality- He is as kind as Jane.

Superiority- He is kinder than Jane.

Inferiority- He is less kind than Jane.

The superlative degree - shows that a member of a group possesses the

When we compare two notions we use the comparative preceded by the article the, instead of the superlative: She is the younger and the more beautiful of the two sisters.

  • Comparative and superlative- ways of formation:
  • The synthetic comparison- adjectives formed by one syllable form the comparative and superlative by adding -(e)r or -(e)st: small- smaller- the smallest

    Spelling: double consonants before short vowels (big-bigger-the biggest); adjectives ending in -y (dry-drier-the driest); adjectives ending in -e, -ee lose the final -e (nice-nicer, free-freer)

    The two-syllable adjectives obey the same synthetic rules: happy-happier, able-abler

    The analytical comparison- the adjectives formed by two or more syllables form their comparative and superlative using more/the most (careful-more careful-the most careful)

    The comparison of equality- the adjective in the positive degree preceded by as and followed by as: My cabin is as large as his.

    The comparison of inferiority- the adjective in the positive degree preceded by not so/as and followed by as/less..than: My assignment is not as easy as yours.

    The absolute relative- is expressed by the help of: very, too, highly, extremely:

    It is extremely difficult to reach the top.

    The irregular comparison: good-better- the best; ill-worse- the worst;

    much/many- more- the most; little- less- the least; late- later- the latest/the latter/the last; old- older/elder- the oldest/the eldest; near- nearer- the nearest/the next;

    far- farther/further the farthest/the furthest

    Syntactical functions

    • Attribute- Tom has a new uniform.
    • Predicate nominative- This uniform is new.

    The place of adjectives in the sentence:

    - the attributes precede the noun they determine (a high mountain)

    *exceptions: Ambassador Extraordinary, Secretary General, Court Martial, poet laureate

    - indefinite pronouns ending in -body/one/thing are followed by the adjective: She bought something nice/ He said nothing interesting.

    - when a noun is determined by two adjectives in the comparative, one short and one long, the short one precede the long one: She was taller and more beautiful.

    - when more adjectives determine a noun, these adjectives follow one after the other in the following order:

    Sequence of adjectives


























    ! In order to do these tasks successfully you'll have to study unit 3 carefully. After checking your achievement against the answer key at the end of vocabulary practise and grammar practise, go to Self-Test and Self-Test Answer Key to evaluate your performance. You'll be awarded one point (1p) for each correct answer. If your score is under 30p, you'll have to go back to unit 3 and study the vocabulary or grammar problems you have been wrong about. If your score is above 30p you may pass on to the next unit. Good Luck!

    What does go aboard mean?

    What is aft?

    What does forward mean on a ship?

    What is fore and aft?

    What is abaft?

    What is astern?

    What is starboard?

    What is port?

    Where is an object that's abeam.

    What does athwartships mean?

    What is amidships?

    What does looking outboard mean?

    What does looking inboard mean?

    What is aloft?

    What does above mean in a naval context?

    What does below mean in a naval context?

    What is lee?

    What is leeward?

    What is leeway?

    What is close aboard?

    II.        Complete the following sentences with the appropriate term(s).

    An object located amidships off either side of a ship is said to be---

    Something high above the main structure of a ship is---

    Something away from the wind is---

    An object in a lee direction is---

    An object moving in a lee direction goes---

    If it's near the ship, it's --- ---

    When a sailor faces the bow of the ship, he faces---

    If you are standing at the center of a ship, you're standing---

    The starboard side of a ship is the---

    If you go along the ship from stem to stern, you go ---and---the ship

    III.     Fill in the blank spaces using the words provided below.

    Amidships; abaft; fore and aft; portside; forward of; aft of; right forward; starboard side; right aft

    A traditional general cargo ship has her engine room and bridge superstructure---.She may have three holds --- ---the bridge and two holds --- ---the bridge. Forward of No.1 hold is the forecastle and --- ----is the jackstaff. Derricks are supported by masts and samson posts. They are stowed --- and -

    when the ship is at sea. There are two lifeboats, one on the ---amidships another on the ---amidships,---the funnel. The poop is situated aft and there is an ensign--- --


    It means to get on a ship.

    Aft means to the rear.

    Forward is always used to mean to the front of the ship.

    To the front and rear of a ship/along the ship/from stem to stern

    Further to the rear.

    Toward the stern.

    The right side of the ship.

    The left side of the ship.

    Off either side of the ship, about amidships.

    Lying across a ship from starboard to port.

    In the middle of the ship.

    Looking to the side of the ship.

    Looking from the side toward the center of the ship.

    Aloft means very high.

    It means at a higher level than the speaker.

    It means downstairs or under the speaker.

    Away from the wind.

    In a lee direction.

    Moving in a leeward direction.

    Near the ship.







    close aboard

    III. Check the text in your course book on page---, paragraph 1.2.

    IV. Translate into Romanian.

    O nava moderna care transporta marfuri generale are sala masinilor si suprastructura spre pupa/in partea din spate a navei. Ea poate sa aiba patru mazii in fata puntii de comanda si o magazie in spatele puntii de comanda.In fata magaziei nr.1 se afla castelul prova/teuga si chiar in prova se afla bastonul de pavilion prova. Bigile sunt sustinute de catarge si coloane de bigi. Ele sunt stivuite/asezate/plasate de-a lungul navei cind nava este in larg/in voiaj/in mars. Exista doua barci de salvare, una in babord iar cealalta in tribord, in spatele cosului. Duneta si suprastructura sunt combinate./formeaza corp comun spre pupa. Chiar in pupa se afla bastonul pentru pavilionul national.

    5. Grammar Practice: The Adjective

    1. There are twelve adjectives in this story. Underline them.

    I went for a long walk in the countryside yesterday. It was a hot day, and soon I was tired and thirsty. There was a small house by the side of the road, and I decided to ask for a glass of cold water. I rang the bell and an old lady opened the big, wooden door. She looked kind and she offered me a glass of fresh juice. It tasted great!

    II. Choose from the following adjectives to fill in the sentences below: hungry, new, terrible, expensive, sad, wonderful, Italian, fresh, difficult.

    1. Gold rings are normally expensive.

    2. This food smells.................! I love fish and chips.

    3. It was a ................exam. I'm sure I haven't passed.

    4. I've just bought a ...............sports car.

    5. I met my wife in Rome, but she isn't................

    6. He looks................. I don't think he likes his job.

    7. Are you....................? Shall I buy some sandwiches?

    8. This orange juice tastes..................Is it....................?

    III. Look at these sentences. If you think the adjectives are in the wrong order, change the order. If you think the order is correct, put a tick (√).

    1. She lost a gold, small ring at the disco yesterday night.

    2. I have an old, Italian painting in my living room.

    3. I'm looking for my cotton, green shirt and my brown, leather shoes.

    4. George has a Spanish, modern villa near the sea. He goes there every summer.

    5. I live in an old, white house near the river. I've got a black, large dog!

    6. I had an interesting talk with a Polish, young student last week.

    7. We are having lunch in a big, Japanese, new restaurant in the centre of town.

    8. I left my books in a red, plastic bag on the bus. I was so stupid!

    IV. Write the comparative form of these adjectives: cold, big, careful, expensive, good, fat, famous, new, modern, young, cheap, delicious, rich, long, hungry, nice, happy, difficult, old, beautiful, friendly, hot, bad, small, sad.

    V. Put the words in brackets ( ) in the right order to make sentences.

    1. (the world - Antarctica - coldest - is - place - the - in)

    2. (city - the - Manchester - in England - is - friendliest)

    3. (in New York - expensive - restaurant - The Manhattan - the - is - most)

    4. (is - river - the world - the - The Nile - longest - in)

    5. (town - most - in Spain - Granada - beautiful - is - the)

    6. (painting - The Mona Lisa - the - famous - in - is - most - the world)

    7. (the - Europe - mountain - in - highest - Mont Blanc - is)

    VI. Use the words in brackets ( ) to write sentences. Use the + superlative, and the Present Perfect + ever.

    1. (It's/cold/place/I/visit) - It's the coldest place I've ever visited.

    2. (It's/big/shop/I/see)

    3. (He's/rich/man/I/meet)

    4. (It's/difficult/exam/I/do)

    5. (It's/sad/film/I/see)

    6. (She's/happy/person/I/meet)

    7. (It's/modern/ flat/I/see)

    8. (It's/hot/country/I/visit)

    9. (It's/small/dog/I/see).

    VII. Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets and than.

    1. I think that golf is more interesting than (interesting) tennis.

    2. This question is......................(easy) the last one.

    3. I'm a good player, but Eric is ........................(good) me.

    4. The group's first record was.........................(successful) their second record.

    5. We both played well, but he was.....................(lucky) me.

    6. Your car is......................(powerful) mine.

    7. This computer is....................(useful) that one.

    VIII. Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjective in brackets.

    1. Anna is the youngest (young) person in her class.

    2. We stayed in ......................(bad) hotel in the whole city.

    3. People say that it is ...............(funny) film of the year.

    4. What is........................(tall) building in the world?

    5. Her teachers say that she is ....................(good) student in the school.

    6. This is........................(expensive) camera in the shop.

    7. Many people say that Venice is..................(beautiful) city in the world.

    IX. Complete each sentence so that it means the same as the one above it. Use as + adjective/adverb + as.

    1. Sweden is bigger than Britain.

    Britain isn't as big as Sweden.

    2. The other students learn more quickly than me.

    I don't learn.......... ..... ...... .....the other students.

    3. You're very angry and I'm angry also.

    I'm.......... ..... ......

    4. The seats at the front are more expensive than the seats at the back.

    The seats at the back aren't.......... ..... ...... ..the seats at the front.

    5. Central Park in New York is bigger than Hyde Park in London.

    Hyde Park in London isn't........................Central Park in New York.

    6. Her last film was very good and her new film is also very good.

    Her new film is.......................her last film.

    7. The other students work harder than him.

    He doesn't work........................the other students.

    X. Join each pair of sentences in brackets ( ), using as, or as

    1. (I've got 50 books. Jack's got about 100.)

    I haven't got as many books as Jack.

    2. (You've done a lot of work. I've done a lot of work also.)

    I've done

    3. (Alan earns a lot of money. Sheila only earns a little.)

    Sheila doesn't earn...........................Alan.

    4. (George has been to five countries. I've also been to five countries.)

    I've been to.......... ..... ...... George.

    5. (You've had five jobs. I've only had two.)

    I haven't

    6. (Tom has a lot of luggage. Jane has a lot of luggage too.)

    Lane has............................Tom.

    7. (Mary answered most of the questions. I only answered about half.)

    I didn't answer.............................Mary.

    8. (Ruth spent $50.I also spent $50.)

    I spent...........................Ruth.

    XI. Choose the correct adjective in brackets ( ) to put in the gaps.

    1. It was a terrible play and I was bored (bored/boring) from start to finish.

    2. I'm very..................(excited/exciting) because I'm going to New York tomorrow.

    3. Are you................(surprised/surprising) or were you expecting this news?

    4. I'm reading a very.................(interested/interesting) book at the moment.

    5. I've had a very..............(tired/tiring) day at work today and I want to go to bed.

    6. Most people were...................(surprised/surprising) that he won the championship.

    7. I'm.......................(bored/boring). Let's go out for a cup of coffee somewhere.

    8. Visit our...................(excited/exciting) new shop!

    9. His speech was very long and very...................(bored/boring).

    XII. Complete the sentences using too or enough and the words in brackets ( ).

    1. I can't eat this soup because it's too hot (hot).

    2. We couldn't buy the tickets because we didn't have enough money (money).

    3. We didn't buy the car because it wasn't big enough (big).

    4. I couldn't see her because it was...................(dark).

    5. I can't decide what to do because I haven't got..................(information).

    6. You can't change the situation now. It's..................(late).

    7. Have you had..................(food), or would you like some more?

    8. He did badly in the exam because he was....................(nervous).

    9. Slow down! You're driving ...................(fast).

    10. He shouldn't play in the team because he isn't.................(good).

    11. I haven't got ................(clothes). I must buy some more.

    l2. Robert didn't go to work because he didn't feel.................(well).

    13. I couldn't lift the suitcase because I wasn't...................(strong).

    14. We didn't go swimming because the water was................(cold).

    15. Mary couldn't post all the letters because she didn't have..............(stamps).

    6. Answer key: The Adjective

    I. hot, tired, thirsty, small, cold, old, big, wooden, kind, fresh, great.

    II. wonderful, difficult, new, Italian, sad, hungry, terrible....fresh.

    III. small, gold; old, Italian; green, cotton; modern, Spanish; large, black; young, Polish; big, new, Japanese; red, plastic.

    IV. colder, bigger, more careful, more expensive, better, fatter, more famous, newer, more modern, younger, cheaper, more delicious, richer, longer, hungrier, nicer, happier, more difficult, older, more beautiful. friendlier, hotter, more wonderful, worse, smaller, sadder.

    V. 1. Antarctica is the coldest place in the world.

    2. Manchester is the friendliest city in England

    3. The Manhattan is the most expensive restaurant in New York.

    4. The Nile is the longest river in the world.

    5. Granada is the most beautiful town in Spain

    6. The Mona Lisa is the most famous painting in the world.

    7. Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in Europe.

    VI. 1. It's the biggest ship I've ever seen

    2. He's the richest man I've ever met.

    3. It's the most difficult exam I've ever done.

    4. It's the saddest film I've ever seen.

    5. She's the happiest person I've ever met.

    6. It's the most modern flat I've ever seen.

    7. It's the hottest country I've ever visited.

    8. It's the smallest dog I've ever seen.

    VII. 1. easier than

    2. better than

    3. more successful than

    4. luckier than

    5. more powerful than

    6. more useful than

    VIII. 1. the worst

    2. the funniest

    3. the tallest

    4. the best

    5. the most expensive

    6. the most beautiful

    IX. 1. as quickly as

    2. as angry as

    3. as expensive as

    4. as big as

    5. as good as

    6. as hard as

    X. 1. as much (money) as

    2. as many countries as

    3. as many jobs as

    4. as much luggage as

    5. as many questions as

    6. as much (money) as

    XI. excited, surprised, interesting, tiring, surprised, bored, exciting, boring.

    XII. too dark, enough information, too late, enough food, too nervous, too fast, good enough, enough clothes, well enough, strong enough, too cold, enough stamps.

    7. Self-Test

    Example: aft - at the after end of the ship/at the back of the ship

    Abaft; forward of; amidships; athwartships; fore and aft; port side;

    Starboard side; fore; right forward; right af 10p

    a beautiful table (wooden/round)...a beautiful round wooden table

    an unusual ring (gold)....................

    a new pullover (nice).....................

    an old house (beautiful)....................

    black gloves (leather)....................

    an American film (old).....................

    a long face (thin).........................

    a sunny day (lovely).......................

    big clouds (black)........................

    A wide avenue (long)......................

    A little village (old/ lovely).....................

    We stayed at the cheapest hotel in the town. (cheap).

    Our hotel was cheaper than all the others in the town. (cheap)

    The United States is very large but Canada is.....(large)

    What's.......river in the world? (long)

    He was a bit depressed yesterday but he

    It was an awful day. It in my life.(bad)

    What in your country ? (popular)

    Everest is...mountain in the world. .It is ..than any other mountain.(high)

    We had a great holiday. It was one of the..holidays we've ever had. (enjoyable)

    I prefer this car to the other one. It's.....(comfortable)

    What's ....way of getting from here to the station? (quick)

    Mr and Mrs Brown have got three 14 years old. (old)

    8. Self-Test Answer Key

    I.            1.T; 2.F; 3.F; 4.T; 5.T; 6.F; 7.T; 8.F; 9.F; 10.T.

    II.         abaft=behind

    forward of =before/in front of

    amidships =in the middle/centre

    athwartships =across

    fore and aft =along

    port side =left side

    starboard right side

    fore = t/towards the front of the ship

    right forward =the extreme front end of the ship

    right aft=the extreme back end of the ship

    a lovely little old village

    an enormous red and yellow umbrella


    Objectives: After studying the topic in the course book the learners should be able to describe the component parts of the propulsion system and steering gear; identify and state the functions of different navigation instruments housed on the navigation bridge; formulate and understand standard wheel and engine orders.

    Ships are pushed through the water by screws (propellers). This process is known as propulsion, which means to be driven forward. A ship with one propeller is known as a single-screw ship. One with two propellers is known as a twin-screw ship. Some have four propellers and are known as four-screw ships. The screws are connected to the main propulsion engine by a shaft. The main propulsion engine, often called the main engine, provides a ship with power to move. A shaft is a long cylinder that transmits power by rotation. The power for a ship's engine is usually from a turbine engine. This is a type of motor with blades that rotate inside and are moved by a steam, electric, diesel, diesel-electric, or nuclear source.

    A ship is steered by its rudder and screws. A rudder is a flat, vertical structure at the stern of the ship that moves from side to side causing the ship to change direction. One or more screws can work separately or together with the rudder during a turn. If the rudder moves right, the ship turns right. If the rudder moves left, the ship turns left. Rudders are turned in the water by steering engines, and the combination of equipment used to turn and power them is the steering gear. The steering engines, located in the rear of the ship are controlled by the wheel. The wheel is found on the bridge and is turned by the helmsman. This is the customary name for the sailor who has the job of steering.

    The bridge, mentioned in the unit on ship structure, is the main point and nerve center of any ship. All orders and commands come from there, while the ship is underway. The master and the officer of the deck have their main places of duty on the bridge, which is also called the conn. The officer of the deck is the officer on the bridge who is in charge of the ship for a special period of duty. This is also where the helm is found. Helm is another word for the wheel used to steer the ship. One of the main tasks performed on the bridge is navigation. This is finding the position, course (direction), and distance travelled. Because of this, the equipment on the bridge includes the binnacle, which holds the magnetic compass giving the magnetic direction. There is also a gyro-repeater, connected to the gyrocompass below the main deck, to give readings on true direction. The gyrocompass operates by means of gyroscopes, which are wheels free to spin, free to separately rotate about one or both of two axes. There is also a radar repeater which gives readings from the ship's radar system to locate objects outside of the ship. Communications equipment on the bridge includes an engine order telegraph for transmitting engine orders to the engineers. There are also telephones, and intercommunication sets commonly called squawk boxes. These are used for communication to various parts of the ship. There is also a fathometer, which measures the depth of the water. Around the enclosed bridge there is usually an open platform from which lookouts(observers) and the officer of the deck may determine the position of other ships and objects of interest.

    2. On-board communication phrases

    2.1. Standard wheel orders

    All wheel orders given should be repeated by the helmsman and the officer of the watch should ensure that they are carried out correctly and immediately. All wheel orders should be held until countermanded. The helmsman should report immediately if the vessel does not answer the wheel.


    Midships   Rudder to be held in the fore and aft position = mijloc carma

    2. Port five 5 of port rudder to be held   = babord cinci

    3. Port ten 10 of port rudder to be held = babord zece

    4. Port fifteen 15 of port rudder to be held   = babord cincisprezece

    5. Port twenty 20 of port rudder to be held   = babord douazeci

    6. Port twenty-five 25 of port rudder to be held   = babord douazeci si cinci

    7. Hard-a-port Rudder to be held fully over to port= banda stinga

    8. Starboard five 5 of starboard rudder to be held = tribord cinci

    9. Starboard ten 10 of starboard rudder to be held = tribord zece

    10.Starboard fifteen 15 of starboard rudder to be held = tribord cincisprezece

    11.Starboard twenty 20 of starboard rudder to be held = tribord douazeci

    12.Starboard twenty-five25 of starboard rudder to be held = tribord douazeci si cinci

    13.Hard-a-starboard Rudder to be held fully over to starboard= banda dreapta

    14.Ease to five Reduce amount of rudder to 5 and hold = redu la cinci

    15.Ease to ten Reduce amount of rudder to 10 and hold=redu la zece

    16.Ease to fifteen Reduce amount of rudder to 15 and hold=redu la cincisprezece

    17.Ease to twenty Reduce amount of rudder to 20 and hold=redu la douazeci

    18.Steady Reduce swing as rapidly as possible. =drept asa

    19.Steady as she goes Steer a steady course on the compass

    heading indicated at the time of the order=tine-o drept asa

    20.Keep the buoy/mark/beacon.on port side = tine geamandura/semnul/ babord

    21.Keep the buoy/mark/beacon on starboard side=tine geamandura/semnul/baliza in tribord

    22.Report if she does not answer the wheel =raporteaza daca nu raspunde la cirma

    When the officer of the watch requires a course to be steered by compass, the direction in which he wants the wheel turned should be stated followed by each numeral being said separately, including zero, for example:


    "Port, steer one eight two"(Babord,guverneaza un opt doi) 182

    "Starboard, steer zero eight two"(Tribord,guverneaza zero opt doi)082

    "Port, steer three zero five"(Babord,guverneaza trei zero cinci) 305

    On receipt of an order to steer, for example, 182 , the helmsman should repeat it and bring the vessel round steadily to the course ordered. When the vessel is steady on the course ordered the helmsman is to call out:

    "Steady on one eight two"(Stabil pe unu opt doi)

    The person giving the order should acknowledge the helmsman's reply.If it is desired to steer on a selected mark the helmsman should be ordered to:

    "Steer on..buoy../mark/.beacon".(Guverneaza pe.geamandura/.semnul/..baliza)

    2.2. Standard engine orders

    Any engine order given should be repeated by the person operating the bridge telegraph and the officer of the watch should ensure the order is carried out correctly and immediately.


    Full ahead = Toata(viteza) inainte

    Half ahead= Jumatate (viteza) inainte

    Slow ahead= Incet inainte

    Dead slow ahead=Foarte incet inainte

    Stop engine(s)=Stop masina

    Dead slow astern=Foarte incet inapoi

    Slow astern=incet inapoi

    Half astern=jumate(viteza) inapoi

    Full astern = Toata (viteza) inapoi

    Emergency full ahead = Toata viteza inainte(de urgenta)

    Emergency full astern = Toata viteza inapoi (de urgenta)

    Stand-by engine = Masina pe atentiune

    Finished with engines = Liber la masina

    In vessels fitted with twin propellers, the word "both' should be added to all orders affecting both shafts, e.g. "Full ahead both", and "Slow astern both", except that the words "Stop all engines" should be used, when appropriate. When required to manoeuvre twin propellers independently, this should be indicated, i.e. "Full ahead starboard", "Half astern port", etc.

    Where bow thrusters are used, the following orders are used:

    14.Bow thrust full (half) to port   = Propulsor prova, toata/jumatate (viteza)babord

    15.Bow thrust full ( half) to starboard=Propulsor prova, toata/jumatate(viteza)tribord

    16.Stern thrust full ( half) to port =Propulsor pupa, toata/jumatate(viteza)babord

    17.Stern thrust full (half) to starboard=Propulsor pupa, toata/jumatate(viteza)tribord

    18. Bow (stern) thrust stop   = propulsor prova/pupa, stop.

    3. Adverbs

    Adverbs are words that modify a word, a phrase or a whole sentence. Some adverbs have their own form which is not related to other words: always, soon, very etc. Many adverbs are formed from adjectives by adding -ly e.g. quick - quickly etc. There are some spelling rules for adverbs formed with -ly:

    This leg hurts the most. We mostly stay in the engine room (usually).

    Some time adverbs are related to nouns and they can be both adjectives and adverbs: day - daily, hour - hourly, week - weekly, year - yearly:

    It's a monthly magazine (adjective).

    It comes out monthly (adverb).

    There are several types of adverbs: adverbs of time, adverbs of frequency, adverbs of place, adverbs of manner, adverbs of degree, linking adverbs, sentence adverbs, negative adverbs.

    3.1. Adverbs of manner

    Adverbs of manner give more information about the way in which an event or action takes place. They modify verbs and most of them are formed from adjectives. They are usually placed after the verb or after the object.

    He speaks English fluently.

    He smelled the fuel suspiciously.

    Here is a list of the most common adverbs describing the way in which something is done.









































































































    3.2. Adverbs of degree

    Enough follows the adjective or adverb:

    He didn't work quickly enough.

    Some common adverbs of degree are:

    • full degree: completely, totally, absolutely, entirely, quite;
    • large degree: very, extremely, really, awfully, terribly;
    • medium degree: rather, fairly, quite, pretty, somewhat;
    • small degree: a little, a bit, slightly;
    • negative: hardly, scarcely;
    • others: so, as, too, more, most, less, least.

    We use so and such for emphasis. So is used with adjectives and adverbs. Such a is used with adjective + singular noun. Such/so many/so few are used with plural nouns. Such/so much/so little are used with uncountable nouns:

    The meeting finished so quickly.

    It was such a quick meeting.

    You have so many friendly colleagues.

    It was such good advice.

    3.3. Adverbs of place

    3.5. Adverbs of frequency

    Here is a list of adverbs and adverbial expressions:

    again and again

    a lot

    all the time







    from time to time

    hardly ever


















    Adverbs like: hardly ever, rarely, scarcely ever can be placed at the beginning of a sentence, but inversion of the following main verb then becomes necessary:

    Hardly ever did they manage to meet unobserved.

    3.6. Sentence adverbs

    Sentence adverbs (truth or comment adverbs) modify the whole sentence/clause and normally express the speaker's opinion. Some sentence adverbs express degrees of certainty: actually, apparently, certainly, clearly, definitely, evidently, obviously, perhaps, possibly, presumably, probably, surely, undoubtedly. They can be placed after be, before simple tenses of the other verbs, after the first auxiliary in a compound verb, at the beginning or at the end of a sentence.

    He is obviously intelligent.

    They certainly work hard.

    Surely you could pay $ 2,000?

    Other sentence adverbs are: admittedly, fortunately, frankly, honestly, luckily, naturally, officially, unfortunately, unluckily etc. They are usually placed in initial position though the end position is also possible. They are normally separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma. Many of them can also be adverbs of manner:

    Honestly, he didn't get the money.

    3.7. Linking adverbs

    A linking adverb relates to the previous clause or sentence. Most often it goes in front position but it can go in mid or end position. The linking adverbs are: also, as a result, as well, consequently, furthermore, however, instead, in addition, likewise, nevertheless, on the other hand, otherwise, therefore, too:

    Answer the following questions relating to propulsion and steering.

    What is the action of being driven forward called?

    What is a ship with one propeller called?

    What is a ship with two propellers called?

    What is a ship with four propellers called?

    Which engine drives the ship?

    What is a turbine engine?

    How are main engines powered?

    What is the flat, vertical structure at the stern that causes a ship to turn?

    What is the source of power to turn rudders?

    What are the motors and control equipment used to turn and power the rudder called?

    What controls the steering engines?

    Who turns the wheel?

    II.        Complete the following sentences with the appropriate term(s)

    Another word for propellers is...............

    The process of being driven forward is called..........

    A ship with one propeller is a...... ........ship.

    A ship with two propellers is a ..... ........ship.

    A ship with four propellers is a.... ........ship.

    The screws are connected to the.. ... a.....

    An engine with blades that rotate inside is called a...engine.

    Modern ships are powered by .,.,.,..........

    A ship is steered by its...........and screws.

    The power for a rudder is provided by its..... .....

    The combination of equipment used to turn and power a ship is called its.. ...

    The steering engines are controlled by the.. Which is turned by a sailor known as the....

    III.     Answer the following questions relating to the Bridge.

    What do we say about a ship when it's free to move in the water?

    What is another word for the bridge of a ship?

    What is another word for the wheel used to steer a ship?

    What is the science of finding the position, course, and distance travelled by a ship called/

    What is the course of a ship?

    What is a binnacle?

    What is a gyrocompass?

    What is a gyro-repeater?

    What is the wheel within a gyrocompass called?

    What is an engine order telegraph?

    What are intercommunication sets?

    What is another word for intercommunication sets?

    What is a fathometer/

    What is a radar repeater?

    What is a platform?

    What is a lookout?

    IV.      Complete the following sentences with the appropriate term(s)

    The course of a ship is its..................

    The magnetic compass is housed in the............

    A gyrocompass is used to determine..............

    Gyrocompasses contain...................

    The gyrocompass reading is seen on the bridge on the.......

    Another word for engine order telegraph is..........

    Intercommunication sets are commonly called...........

    The radar reading is seen on the bridge on the.........

    A fathometre measures the..of the water.

    A raised floor around the bridge used for observation is a......

    A seaman who observes the sea from the bridge is called the....

    V.         Give Romanian equivalents to the following standard wheel orders.

    Midships; port twenty; hard-a-port; starboard ten; ease to five; steady;

    Steady as she goes; keep the buoy/mark/beacon.on port side

    VI.      Give English equivalents to the following standard engine orders.

    Toata viteza inainte; incet inainta; foarte incet inapoi; jumatate inapoi;

    Toata inapoi; toata viteza inapoi (de urgenta); liber la masina;propulsor prova jumatate babord


    1. Screws

    2. Propulsion

    3. A single-screw ship

    4. A twin-screw ship

    5. A four screw ship

    6. The main propulsion engine

    7. One with blades that rotate inside the engine

    8. By steam, electric, diesel, diesel-electric, or nuclear power

    9. The rudder

    10. Steering engines

    11. Steering gear

    12. The wheel

    13. The helmsman


    1. screw





    main propulsion engine; shaft


    steam, electric, diesel, diesel electric, nuclear


    steering engines

    steering gear

    wheel, helmsman

    III. Answer the following questions relating to the Bridge.

    It's underway

    The conn

    The helm


    Its direction

    A stand used to house a magnetic compass

    An instrument used to determine true direction on a ship.

    An instrument on the bridge from which the gyrocompass is read.

    A gyroscope.

    A communications device for transmitting orders to the engineers.

    It's also called an annunciator.

    Communication devices which can be heard in wide areas for sending orders to various parts of a ship.

    Squawk boxes

    A device for measuring the depth of water.

    A device used to read the ship's radar system from the bridge.

    A raised floor area around the bridge used for observation of the sea.

    A seaman who observes the sea for anything of interest.

    IV. Complete the following sentences with appropriate term(s)



    true direction

    a gyroscope



    squawk boxes

    radar repeater


    V. Give Romanian equivalents to the following standard wheel orders.

    Mijloc cārma; babord 20; banda stānga; tribord 10; redu la 5; drept asa; tine-o drept asa;

    Ţine geamandura/semnul/baliza..īn babord

    VI. Give English equivalents to the following standard engine orders.

    Full ahead; slow ahead; dead slow astern; half astern; full astern; emergency full astern;finished with engines; bow thrust half to port.

    6. Grammar Practice: The Adverb

    Rewrite these sentences using an adverb instead of an adjective.

    1. Peter is a bad tennis player. Peter plays tennis badly.

    2. He's a dangerous driver.   He drives.....................

    3. She's a fast swimmer.   She swims...................

    4. Martin is a good cook.   .......... ..... ...... ....

    5. I'm a slow writer.   .......... ..... ...... ....

    6. She's a wonderful dancer   .......... ..... ...... ....

    7. Sheila is a hard worker.   .......... ..... ...... .....

    8. They aren't quick learners.   .......... ..... ...... .....

    II. Complete the sentences. Put in the adverb form of the adjective in brackets ( ).

    1. She read the message quickly (quick).

    2. Read the instructions ...............(careful).

    3. He looked at her.....................(angry), but he didn't say anything.

    4. She passed all her exams....................(easy).

    5. Iran as ....................(fast) as I could.

    6. He thinks that he did the test.................(bad) and that he'll fail.

    7. I've been studying very..................(hard) recently.

    8. She was working.................(busy) when I arrived.

    9. She sang the song..................(beautiful)

    10. He was playing................(happy) when I came into the room.

    11. He was concentrating...............(hard) on his work.

    12. Have I filled this form in ................(correct)?

    13. I wasn't in a hurry, so I walked...................(slow) through the park.

    14. I closed the door................(quiet) when left.

    III. Complete the dialogues by putting a suitable adverb into the gaps. Use an adjective from the following ones: slow, fast, hard, good (x2), easy, bad.

    1. A: Were the questions difficult?

    B: No, I answered them easily.

    2. A: Does she speak English.....................?

    B: No, she only knows a few words of English.

    3. A: Hurry up! I'm waiting!

    B: Just a minute. I'm coming as I can.

    4. A: Did you lose at tennis again?

    B: Yes, I played.......................and I lost.

    5. A: Have you been

    B: No, I've done nothing all day!

    6. A: Have you finished that book yet?

    B: No, I always read very...................It takes me a long time to finish a book.

    7. A: Is he a bad student?

    B: No, he does all his work very......................

    IV. Put in the comparative adverb form of the adjective in brackets.

    1. You must do your work more carefully (careful) in future.

    2. He has run the 100 metres......................(fast) than any other athlete in the world this year.

    3. Everyone else did the test....................(good) than me.

    4 You can travel......................(cheap) at certain times of the year.

    5. He plays.................(confident) than he did in the past.

    6. I'm sorry I've made so many mistakes. I'll try...............(hard) in future.

    7. You will be able to sit...................(comfortable) in this chair.

    V. Complete these sentences using really or quite.

    1. The film was really good. I enjoyed it a lot.

    2. It's....................cold outside, but not very cold.

    3. It isn't a wonderful book, but it's..................good.

    4. The tickets were...............expensive - they cost much more than I expected.

    5. The programme is................popular in my country; millions of people watch it.

    6. He's..............good at his job, but sometimes makes bad mistakes.

    7. The meal was..............nice, but it wasn't very good.

    8. It's.............dangerous to drive fast in such terrible weather conditions.

    9. I'm not a very good tennis player, but I am.................good.

    10. They're all..............intelligent students, and they will all pass their exams easily.

    11. The company that I work for is.................big, but it's not enormous.

    VI. Put the words in brackets ( ) in the right place in these sentences

    1. I work late at the office.

    (often) I often work late at the office.

    2. You must lock the front door when you leave.

    (always).......... ..... ......

    3. Steve and Jill play golf.

    (twice a month)...................

    4. I eat a sandwich for lunch.


    5. I go to jazz concerts at the weekend.


    6. My teacher gives me a lot of homework.

    (every day)..........................

    7. We see our Mexican friends.

    (hardly ever).......................

    8. They go to Morroco for their holidays.

    (often).......... ..... ...... ..

    9. Bill and Marie go to the theatre.

    (four times a year)...............

    10. They are at home in the evening.

    (rarely).......... ..... ...... ..

    VII. Complete the sentences by choosing an ending from the following ones:

    - the road carefully,

    - their homework well,

    - the piano badly,

    - his car fast,

    - her breakfast slowly,

    - Arabic perfectly,

    - an hour late

    1. He drives.......... ..... ...... ..

    2. She plays.......... ..... ...... ..

    3. Maria ate.......... ..... ...... ..

    4. They speak..............................

    5. You must always cross...........

    6. They all did.............................

    7. The plane arrived....................


    I. In these dialogues underline the adjectives and circle the adverbs

    1. A: I think he's a good worker. What do you think?

    B: I'm not sure. He works carefully, but he makes some bad mistakes.

    2. A: He's a wonderful skier. He skis quickly and beautifully.

    B: In my opinion, he skis dangerously. He's a stupid skier.

    3. A: He's a rich and powerful man. He lives expensively.

    B: Yes, but he spends money carefully. He buys valuable objects.

    4. A: Paul, Jane, Diana and Mark live in a big, old house in Scotland. They live happily together.

    B: I know they are happy, but the house is expensive and so they live cheaply

    5. A: This bread tastes awful. Did you cook it correctly?

    B: If you think it's horrible, why are you eating it so hungrily?

    6. A: She's very young, but she sings and dances beautifully.

    B: She's a wonderful singer, but she dances badly in my opinion.

    II. Put in the adjective or adverb in brackets ( ).

    1. The train was very slow (slow/slowly) and I arrived late.

    2. The journey took a long time because the train went very...............(slow/slowly).

    3. Mrs. Green went..................(quick/quickly) back to her office.

    4. I'm afraid I can't give you an ................(immediate/immediately) answer; I need to think about it first.

    5. The work that the builders did for us was very.................(bad/badly).

    6. The builders did the work for us very....................(bad/badly)

    7. She organized the party...............(good/well), and everybody enjoyed it.

    8. Everybody said that the party was very................(good/well).

    9. She wrote a ..............(polite/politely) letter asking the company to give her the money back.

    10. She wrote the company and asked them ..............(polite/politely) to give her the money back.

    7. Answer Key: THE ADVERB

    I. 1. dangerously

    2. fast

    3. Martin cooks well.

    4. I write slowly.

    5. She dances wonderfully.

    6. Sheila works hard.

    7. They don't learn quickly./ They learn slowly.

    II. carefully, angrily, easily, fast, badly, hard, busily, beautifully, happily, hard, correctly, slowly, quietly.

    III. well, fast, badly, hard, slowly, well.

    IV. faster, better, more cheaply, more confidently, herder, more comfortably.

    V. quite, quite, really, really, quite, quite, really, quite, really, quite.

    VI. 1. You must always lock the front door when you leave.

    2. Steve and Jill play golf twice a month.

    3. I usually eat a sandwich for lunch.

    4. I sometimes go to jazz concerts at the weekend.

    5. My teacher gives me a lot of homework every day.

    6. We hardly ever see our Mexican friends.

    7. They often go to Morroco for their holidays.

    8. Bill and Marie go to the theatre four times a year.

    9. They are rarely at home in the evening.

    VII. 1. his car fast

    2. the piano badly

    3. her breakfast slowly

    4. Arabic perfectly

    5. the road carefully

    6. their homework well

    7. an hour late


    I.1 good, carefully, bad

    2. wonderful, quickly, beautifully, dangerously, stupid

    3. rich, powerful, expensively, carefully, valuable

    4. big, old, happily, happy, expensive, cheaply

    5. awful, correctly, horrible, hungrily

    6. young, beautifully, wonderful, badly

    II. slowly, quickly, immediate, bad, badly, well, good, polite, politely.

    8. Self-Test

    I.           Fill in the blanks with appropriate term(s).

    Ships are pushed through the water by....

    A ship with one propeller is known as a...

    The screws are connected to the main propulsion engine by a ...

    The power for a ship's engine is usually from a ..engine.

    A ship is steered by its....and screws.

    Rudders are turned in the water by.. ...

    The combination of equipment used to turn and power the steering engines is the. ..

    The steering engines, located in the rear of the ship are controlled by the..

    The wheel is found on the bridge and is turned by the ...

    Another word for propeller is...

    II.        Give Romanian equivalents to the English maritime terms:

    Conn; course; binnacle; fathometer; gyrocompass; lookout; underway; gyro-repeater; OOD; engine order telegraph

    Answer the following questions and statements with complete sentences.

    What does the term "the ship is underway" mean?

    What is a helm?

    What is navigation?

    What is the conn of the ship?

    What is the course of a ship?


    IV.      Complete the following sentences with appropriate terms.

    The magnetic compass is housed in the.......

    A gyrocompass is used to determine........

    Gyrocompasses contain...............

    Another word for engine order telegraph is......

    A fathometer measures the...of the water.


    V.         Put in the right word.

    The driver of the car was...injured(serious/seriously}

    The driver of the car had ..injuries (serious/seriously)

    Complete each sentence using a word from the list.

    Careful(ly); complete(ly); continuous(ly); financial(ly);fluent(ly)

    Happy/happily; nervous(ly); perfect(ly); quick(ly); special(ly)

    Our holiday was too short. The time passed very...

    Tom doesn't take risks when he's driving. He's always....

    Sue works...She never seems to stop.

    Alice and Stan are very...married.

    Monica's English is very..although she makes a lot of mistakes.

    I cooked this meal..for you, so I hope you like it.

    Everything was very quiet. There was..silence.

    I tried on the shoes and they fitted me..

    Do you usually feel...before examination?

    I'd like to buy a car but it's..impossible at the moment.




    single-screw ship




    steering engines

    steering gear





    Punte de comanda; drum; habitaclu; sonda ultrasonora; girocompas; om de veghe/observator; in mars; repetitor girocompas; ofiter de cart; telegraf de masina.


    Free to move in water.

    The conn of a ship is the bridge from where the ship is controlled.

    A helm is a wheel used for steering the ship

    The science of finding the position, course and distance travelled by a ship.

    A course of a ship is its direction.




















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