Graduate of the Stage Design department of the "N.Grigorescu" Plastic Arts Institute, Tatiana Apahidean began her work as a scene-painter and book illustrator. Puppets and cut up cardboards were this film-maker's first passions; she presented her young aud 20120t1919u ience fairy tales such as Gradina / The garden, Cojoacele Babei Dochia / Old Lady Dochia's sheepskin coats, Lenesii mai mult alearga / Lazy people run more or Bulgarele de pamānt / The clod. She was brave enough to approach certain new animation materials for the very first time in Romania: beads (Margele nazdravane / The enchanted beads) or ginger bread (Fetita de turta dulce / The little ginger bread girl). Later on, she chose the technique of the cartoon to respond to a few charming childhood curiosities, in episodes of the "I want to know" series, such as Soarele / The sun, Fir de matase / Silk thread, Hibernarea / Hibernation, etc.
1969-Calutul cu coama albastra / The blue-maned little horse
1970-Gradina / The garden
1971-Cojoacele Babei Dochia / Old Lady Dochia's sheepskin coats
1972-Caleidoscop / Kaleidoscope
1974-Fetita de turta dulce / The little ginger bread girl
1975-Margele nazdravane / The enchanted beads
1977-Avionul de hārtie(ep. din seria Clubul curiosilor) / The paper plane (episode of the "Curious club" series)
1980-Lenesii mai mult alearga / Lazy people run more
1982-Fir de matase(ep. din seria Clubul curiosilor) / Silk thread (episode of the "Curious club" series)
-Trenul vacantei / Holiday train
1983-Ţara mea / My country
-Drumul cartii (ep. din seria Vreau sa stiu) / Book's path (episode of the "I want to know" series)
1984-Sticla (ep. din seria Vreau sa stiu) / The bottle (episode of the "I want to know" series)
-Īn luna(ep. din seria Vreau sa stiu) / In the moon (episode of the "I want to know" series)
1985-Portret / Portrait
-Soarele (ep. din seria Vreau sa stiu) / The sun (episode of the "I want to know" series)
-Pesterile (ep. din seria Vreau sa stiu) / The caves (episode of the "I want to know" series)
1986-Hibernarea(ep. din seria Vreau sa stiu) / Hibernation (episode of the "I want to know" series)
-Braconierul / The poacher
-Carte de citire, carte de iubire / Book for reading, book for loving
1987-Micii proiectanti / The little designers
-Nunta Zamfirei / Zamfira's wedding
1988-Bulgarele de pamānt / The clod
1989-Anotimpuri / Seasons
1990-Balul florilor / The flower ball
1991-Ochelarii de soare / The sun glasses