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Documente biology

About physical nature of the biological field

About physical nature of the biological field. Torsion model of a cell (hypothesis). Havrysh O.H. Our definition of the main feature of the biological field does not have in its contents any analogue with the fields known to
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Carp and their habits - Back to basics

Carp and their habits - Back to basics Crafty carp The species of carp most frequently found throughout Britain is known as the common carp. There are three cultivated varieties of this species - leather, mirror
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CREATINE  MONOHYDRATE What is Creatine?  When we told our friends that we were writing a book on creatine, some of them had quizzical responses. 'You're writing on creating? Creating what?' 'Is it an herb?' Crea
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Japanese Plants and Flowers

Japanese Plants and Flowers There are many different kinds of plants and flowers in Japanese Gardens. I will only be talking about and explaining a few of them. The first that I will be talking about is called the Ajisai. This is the most po
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Bradley on the Nature of Time and Space

Bradley on the Nature of Time and Space In order to have some overview of the matter under discussion, one should first decide what he understands by space and time. More specifically, one should decide in what way they are perceived.
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Transport and Logistics Inside the Plant

Transport and Logistics Inside the Plant document online, referat sau dezbatere in articol scris
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Human Teeth

Human Teeth Gray’s Anatomy         Except in mankind, teeth are necessary for survival in most mammals and other vertebrates, and longevity is related to the endurance of the dentition under the abrasive process of ma
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LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS      Lymphatic filariasis are parasitic diseases caused by the nematode worms living in  lymphatic vessels and spaces whom more or less obstructed and producing early acute and chronic late manifestations which c
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