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Documente fishing


TURBO JACK document online, referat sau dezbatere in articol scris
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FISHES document online, referat sau dezbatere in articol scris
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TINY It gently falls on water surface like an insect knocked down by the wind. Be careful you can get a take right now. If not, let it sink gently and feel its magic vibrations. In your mind’s eye you can follow the lure towards the rocky botto
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Mini-Maize by Ken Townley

Mini-Maize by Ken Townley Frank Warwick caught this with Haith s Mini Maize We all know how effective sweetcorn was in the old days. Kevin Clifford established it as one of the great baits during his am
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MICRO BAITS AND PREOCCUPATION By KEN TOWNLEY In this article I want to look at the subject of feeding a swim, in particular dealing with spodding and introducing a concentration of feed so as to achieve preoccupation and
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Malawi Cichlid

Malawi Cichlid (Haplochromis mloto) This is one of the African Rift Lake cichlids, from Lake Malawi. It does not have a widely used common name, but is similar to other related species commonly referred to as 'Electric Blues'
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Feather Brain

Feather Brain Dressing Originator: John Morin Hook: 4/0 Trey Combs Big Game Gamagatsu Thread: 6/0 white nylon Inner body: White Buck tail and pearl flash a bou Inner head: Large pearl E-Z body mylar Weight: optional Outerbody: 6 silv
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Extraneous Crap

Extraneous Crap A. Glitches B. Easter Eggs C. Criminal Rankings, etc. D. Flight Rankings Note: I cannot fix glitches. These are just ways to do them or perhaps says to avoid them. Glitches sent in must be something I can recreate, not
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BEDOTIINAE SUB-FAMILY The Bedotiinae Family consists of the genus Bedotia and is limited to Madagascar indistribution. Madagascar Rainbowfish, Red-tailed Silverside Bedotia geayi SYN: None PD: An elongated, laterally compressed species
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AN INTRODUCTION TO NUTRITION AND FEEDING OF FISH Dominique P. Bureau and C.Young Cho Fish Nutrition Research Laboratory, Dept. of Animal and Poultry Science University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada Introduction In cultu
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The Fly-tying Bible

The Fly-tying Bible
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Baitfish Fly

Baitfish Fly Dressing Originator: Dave Whitlock Hook: Saltwater, standard or long shank Size: 4-2/0 Thread: Flat waxed nylon Color: To match wing color Weed Guard: Hard Mason nylon 15-20# Tail: Marabou, flash a bou, grizzly hackle t
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WHITEFISH Classics never die. There’s no lure to match Salmo’s Whitefish: perfect balance, superb action, ultimate control, fabulous finish, excellent casting. If you have all this, you must be fishing the Whitefish. There are no equals! A grea
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ZIPPER The Salmo Zipper is the lure that will unzip the secrets of your water! Those elusive lunkers will want to come out and play with the amazing Zipper. Fast, tight and noisy this lure is easy to cast, and easier to fish. From top to bottom
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   Guest Articles THE WITHY POOL RIG Jim Foster Withy Pool is a venue steeped in history. Fished in the 1960s by the likes of Dick Walker, the pool has long since been a breeding ground for thinking anglers to experiment with their c
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WARRIOR CRANK Twitch, twitch, twitch, wham! Jerk, jerk, jerk, Slam! With a Warrior Crank, you can twitch or jerk in any style you like. This is the one lure that has it all. No one, pro or rookie, can go wrong with a war devil like this. Its li
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WARRIOR It’s a permanent war zone, down there. If hell exists, it must be underwater with you above, throwing a Warrior to make it even worse. How can a predator ignore a jerkbait that swims with an action that screams to be eaten? How can they
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