FOCUS ON: participle adjectives formed from phrasal verbs, 2
FOCUS ON: participle adjectives formed from phrasal verbs, 2 Citeste tot ...
FOCUS ON: gerund phrasal verbs vs
FOCUS ON: gerund phrasal verbs vs. phrasal verbs followed by the -ing form We have seen in previous sections that phrasal verbs are sometimes followed by the -ing form. We have also seen that transitive phrasal verbs sometimes take gerund obje Citeste tot ...
FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs used as nouns, 2
FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs used as nouns, 2 As we saw in Section 5, two-word phrasal verbs are sometimes accented on the verb and sometimes on the particle. Two-word nouns, however, are always accented on the verb even if it is the particle of the Citeste tot ...
FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs with gerund objects, 1 Citeste tot ...
FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and do, does, and did
FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and do, does, and did Like ordinary verbs, phrasal verbs form negatives and questions with do, does, and did. Present tense questions In the present tense, questions are formed with do (except when the subject is h Citeste tot ...
FOCUS ON: the verb keep and adverbs and adverbials showing degrees of variability
FOCUS ON: the verb keep and adverbs and adverbials showing degrees of variability Phrasal verbs with keep Several phrasal verbs are based on the verb keep, and it is important to understand that the essential meaning of keep in these phras Citeste tot ...
FOCUS ON: three-word phrasal verbs
FOCUS ON: three-word phrasal verbs document online, referat sau dezbatere in articol scris Citeste tot ...
FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and have to, have got to, and must
FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and have to, have got to, and must document online, referat sau dezbatere in articol scris Citeste tot ...
- ING FORM INTRODUCTION The -ing form of the verb may be a present participle or a gerund. The form is identical, the difference is in the function, or the job the word does in the sentence. The present participle: This is most com Citeste tot ...
REQUIREMENTS OF SPEECH Vocabulary—Parts of Speech—Requisites It is very easy to learn how to speak and write correctly, as for all purposes of ordinary conversation and communication, only about 2,000 different words are required. The master Citeste tot ...
ERRORS Mistakes—Slips of Authors—Examples and Corrections—Errors of Redundancy. In the following examples the word or words in parentheses are uncalled for and should be omitted: 1. Fill the glass (full). Citeste tot ...
STYLE Diction—Purity—Propriety—Precision. It is the object of every writer to put his thoughts into as effective form as possible so as to make a good impression on the reader. A person may have noble thoughts and ideas but be unable to expre Citeste tot ...
ESSENTIALS OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR Divisions of Grammar—Definitions—Etymology. In order to speak and write the English language correctly, it is imperative that the fundamental principles of the Grammar be mastered, for no matter how much we may Citeste tot ...
THE SENTENCE Different Kinds—Arrangement of Words—Paragraph A sentence is an assemblage of words so arranged as to convey a determinate sense or meaning, in other words, to express a complete thought or idea. No matter how short, it must con Citeste tot ...
TO BE PAST SIMPLE TENSE Affirmative: I He She It was You We They were Negative: I He She It was not (w Citeste tot ...
SLANG Origin—American Slang—Foreign Slang Slang is more or less common in nearly all ranks of society and in every walk of life at the present day. Slang words and expressions have crept into our everyday language, and so insiduously, that th Citeste tot ...
SUGGESTIONS How to Write—What to Write—Correct Speaking and Speakers Rules of grammar and rhetoric are good in their own place; their laws must be observed in order to express thoughts and ideas in the right way so that they shall convey a d Citeste tot ...
PUNCTUATION Principal Points—Illustrations—Capital Letters. Lindley Murray and Goold Brown laid down cast-iron rules for punctuation, but most of them have been broken long since and thrown into the junk-heap of disuse. They were too rigid, Citeste tot ...
CHOICE OF WORDS Small Words—Their Importance—The Anglo-Saxon Element In another place in this book advice has been given to never use a long word when a short one will serve the same purpose. This advice is to be emphasized. Words of 'le Citeste tot ...