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Const. Scenario - Roman Empire and Caesar

Const. Scenario   In 293 AD, The Roman Empire had been divided into four, two Emperors each with his own Junior collegue, or Caesar. The man behind this new order was Diocletian (Diokles) shown below. He was based in the east at Ni
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CULTURAL HISTORY AND NEW CULTURAL HISTORY There is little sense in searching for the concrete origins of cultural history, as every apparent intellectual inspiration may be shown to have been in turn inspired by some earlier developme
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TEN GREAT EVENTS IN HISTORY COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY JAMES JOHONNOT 1887 [Illustration: ANCIENT GREECE (Map)] [Illustration: MAYFLOWER, 1620] PREFACE. Patriotism, or love of country, is one o
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Dependent Territories and Commonwealth Countries

Dependent Territories and Commonwealth Countries        Almost all the countries that were once a part of the British Empire belong to the 'Commonwealth'. Britain is just one of the Commonwealth's members, with no extra privile
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The Spread of British Culture and Civilization

The Spread of British Culture and Civilization 1.      Commonwealth      The spread and influence of the English civilization seems to have a clear chronology beginning with the first Atlantic crossing of Colu
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United States of America

United States of America 1. An Outline of American History 1.1. Search for North-West Passage - Irish and Vikings      In the fifth century, St. Patrick started the christening of the Irish. The Irish quickly accepted the
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Canada 1. General Presentation      Canada is the world's second largest country and occupies most of the northern portion of North America. Originally inhabited exclusively by aboriginal peoples, Canada was founded as a union of Bri
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Part 1: Britannia This document is copyright of Rachel McFadden (frogbeastegg). Welcome to the first part of a four part series covering the campaigns of Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms. The aim of this guide is, as you may have gue
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Short Historical Review of the English Language

Short Historical Review of the English Language      1. English – the Language of Globalization      You can hear it being spoken everywhere. 380 million of people speak it as a native language and 2/3 of it as a secondary langu
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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1. General Presentation        The British Isles are composed geographically of Great Britain (England, Wales, and Scotland) and Northern Ireland. Its full name is the United Kingdom
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Causes and Effects of the French Revolution

Causes and Effects of the French Revolution Revolution? The major cause of the French Revolution was the disputes between the different types of social classes in French society. The French Revolution of 1789-1799 was one of the most importa
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Trail of Tears

Trail of Tears      During the 1930s, President Jackson wanted to create a buffer zone between civilized lands by removing the Native Americans that inhabited the east and sending them west.  In 1830 congress passed the 'Indian Removal Act
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The History of Sneakers

The History of Sneakers Sneakers go back a long way. In the late 18th century, people wore rubber soled shoes called plimsolls, but they were pretty crude—for one thing, there was no right foot or left foot. Around 1892, the U.S. R
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The Golden Age of the Sith 5000 B.B.Y.

     The Golden Age of the Sith 5000 B.B.Y.       The Great Hyperspace War was a conflagration that swept across the galaxy, a clash between distant and near- forgotten Sith Lords and an unsuspecting and vulnerable Republic. This struggle
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The Wars of the Roses (1455-1487)

The Wars of the Roses (1455-1487)   Henry VI (1422-1461) founded Eton and King’s College, Cambridge but he lost all the possessions his father had regained and failed to stop the outbreak of the Wars of the Roses (1455-1487). He was murd
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The Fate of the State

The Fate of the State MARTIN VAN CREVELD © 1996 Martin van Creveld Published with permission of the author. The State, which since the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) has been the most important and most characteristic of all modern institu
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The Sith War 3996 B.B.Y

The Sith War 3996 B.B.Y      While the Republic remained unsuspecting, Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma consolidated their forces. Kun worked to create numerous Sith converts among the weaker-willed Jedi. He traveled to Ossus. A charismatic and
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The History of Rome

The History of Rome The origin of Rome are small villages along the river Tiber. These villages were attacked and conquered by the Etruscans between 700 and 600 B.C. Soon it became a major city and in 509 B.C. the romans threw out the l
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The Great Hyperspace War 5000 B

The Great Hyperspace War 5000 B.B.Y.      Though Jori Daragon did not realize it, her ship carried a homing beacon that would lead Naga Sadow and his forces  right to the heart of the unsuspecting Republic. She arrived back in the Teta syst
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The Shadow of Freedon Nadd 4400 B.B.Y.

The Shadow of Freedon Nadd 4400 B.B.Y.      Six centuries after Naga Sadow exiled himself on the jungle moon, after Sadow s Massassi servants built the great  temples, an ambitious Jedi Knight, Freedon Nadd, followed rumors and intuition t
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