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Documente physics

Carbon - Good or Bad ?

Carbon - Good or Bad ? There's no real answer to the question of whether carbon is good or bad for a discus aquarium. It has been the subject of many flames and this page is here to provide some information about what carbon actually does. I
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General relativity is a theory of gravitation

General relativity is a theory of gravitation and to understand the background to the theory we have to look at how theories of gravitation developed. Aristotle s notion of the motion of bodies impeded understanding of gravitation for a long time.
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INDIVIDUALITY, DISTINGUISHABILITY, AND IDENTITY Let us begin by outlining some philosophical distinctions. In a work such as this, there is always the question of exactly how much philosophical detail to go into. Too little, and we run
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INDIVIDUALITY, BELL AND NON-SUPERVENIENT RELATIONS The de Broglie-Bohm position is a form of ‘hidden variables’ interpretation. Such interpretations typically claim that quantum mechanical systems can be characterized by some set of ‘hi
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