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Bridge Procedures Guide

Foreword Safe navigation is the most fundamental attribute of good seamanship.  An increasingly sophisticated range of navigational aids can today complement the basic skills of navigating officers, which have accumulated over the centuries
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BOSCH D-JETRONIC MANIFOLD PRESSURE CONTROL SYSTEM (MPC) Mercedes-Benz: 280, 300, 350, 450 Porsche: 914 Saab: 99E Volkswagen: Type 3 & 4 Volvo: 1800E, 1800ES, 142, 144, 164E   DESCRIPTION The Bosch D-Jetronic ele
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BRAIN WAVES AND ALPHA RHYTHM Schumann Resonance Did you know that there are electric field effects in the atmosphere that affect your brain? We need to solve the mystery of why it is that your alpha rhythm, as measured by detectors sens
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Understanding Histograms

Understanding Histograms Most serious photo-editing programs such as Photoshop and Picture Window let you use a histogram as a guide when editing your images. Since most image corrections can be diagnosed by looking at a histogram, it helps to
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Optical transport module (OTM-n.m, OTM-nr.m, OTM-0.m)

Optical transport module (OTM-n.m, OTM-nr.m, OTM-0.m)
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Moving Pulsed Systems

Moving Pulsed Systems There are three categories of pulsed system and we will consider each in turn. These are drive-pulsed systems, energy-tapping pulsed systems and gravity free-energy pulsing systems. Here we will look at systems where
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ROBERT SHELTON US Patent 2,982,528 2nd May 1940 Inventor: Robert S. Shelton VAPOUR FUEL SYSTEM This patent describes a carburettor design which was able to produce very high mpg figures using the gasoline available in the USA in the 1
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Passive Systems

Passive Systems Hans Coler. A German naval captain called Hans Coler invented a COP>1 generator in 1925. He called this device the ‘Stromerzeuger’ and for a few watts from a dry battery it provided 6 kW continuously. He was refused dev
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ASPDEN and ADAMS Patent GB 2,282,708 12th April 1995 Inventors: Harold Aspden (UK) and Robert George Adams (NZ) ELECTRICAL MOTOR / GENERATOR This version of the patent has been re-worded in an attempt to make it easier to read and un
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STEPHEN HORVATH US Patent 3,980,053 14th September 1976 Inventor: Stephen Horvath FUEL SUPPLY APPARATUS FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Please note that this is a re-worded excerpt from this patent. It describes the water-splitting proce
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Car Voltage Gauge

Car Voltage Gauge The Car Voltage Gauge is based on 3 parts. The input circuit is an Analog to Digital Converter (IC2 CA3162E). The purpose of this chip is to sample an analog voltage and convert it to a decimal value which is read by a Display
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Understanding Lens Contrast and the Basics of MTF

Understanding Lens Contrast and the Basics of MTF      Many photographers — even some experienced and knowledgeable ones — seem permanently confused about contrast, especially when the word is used to describe lenses. In photogra
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Ultra-simple Voltage Probe

Ultra-simple Voltage Probe Detects 1.8 to 220 Volts DC or AC Minimum parts counting Circuit diagram: Parts: D1________5 or 3mm. Red LEDD2________5 or 3mm. Green or Yellow LEDLP1_______220V  6W  Filament L
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PAULO and ALEXANDRA CORREA Pat. Application US 2006/0082,334 20th April 2006 Inventors: Paulo & Alexandra Correa ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS This patent application shows the details of devices which can produce ordinary electricity fro
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ARCHIE BLUE US Patent 4,124,463 7th November 1978 Inventor: Archie H. Blue ELECTROLYTIC CELL Please note that this is a re-worded excerpt from this patent. It describes an electrolyser system where air is drawn through the electrolyte
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Self-Powered Engines

Self-Powered Engines Strictly speaking, no engine is actually self-powered, but as the user does not have to supply any energy or fuel to make the engine operate, it seems reasonable in everyday language to describe an engine of this type
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FRANK FECERA Patent US 6,867,514 B2 15th March 2005 Inventor: Frank J. Fecera PERMANENT MAGNET MOTOR This patent application shows the details of a permanent magnet motor. It should be noted that while in this text, Frank states that
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JOHN BEDINI US Patent 6,392,370 21st May 2002 Inventor: John C. Bedini DEVICE AND METHOD OF A BACK EMF PERMANENT ELECTROMAGNETIC MOTOR GENERATOR ABSTRACT This invention is a back EMF permanent electromagnetic motor generator and me
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CHARLES POGUE US Patent 642,434 12th November 1932 Inventor: Charles N. Pogue CARBURETTOR This patent describes a carburettor design which was able to produce very high mpg figures using the gasoline available in the USA in the 1930s
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