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Documente remote installation services

Installing Applications and Drivers

Installing Applications and Drivers After you install a Risetup image on a client computer, you can install special applications and drivers by calling the Cmdlines.txt file at the end of Mini-Setup or by using [GuiRunOnce] to provide commands t
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Planning Security for RIS Administrative Tasks

Planning Security for RIS Administrative Tasks To secure RIS administrative tasks, you need to decide whether you are planning to delegate tasks and then consider the best way to accomplish this securely. Also, you need to seriously consider
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Identifying Client Requirements

Identifying Client Requirements If you have existing client computers on your network that you are considering for RIS-based operating system installations, you need to evaluate the hardware and software configurations of these clients during t
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Configuring and Deploying RIS

Configuring and Deploying RIS At this point, you can pass your design job aids to the deployment team to serve as inputs to the RIS configuration and deployment process. Figure 4.8 illustrates the order of the configuration and deployment
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Auditing Existing Clients

Auditing Existing Clients If you control your existing client computers using Systems Management Server or a similar management product, you can wipe these computers clean in preparation for a new RIS-based installation. However, before you do
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Creating a Production RIS Server

Creating a Production RIS Server To create a production RIS server to provide operating system installation services on the network, you need to accomplish the following: 1.       Install the hardware necess
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