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Introduction to objects

Introduction to objects The genesis of the computer revolution was in a machine. The genesis of our programming languages thus tends to look like that machine. But computers are not so much machines as they are mind amplification tools (“bic
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Design patterns

Design patterns “ . describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it th
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Exception handling

Exception handling Improved error recovery is one of the most powerful ways you can increase the robustness of your code.[BE1]  Unfortunately, it’s almost accepted practice to ignore error conditions, as if we’re in a state of denial abo
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Function overloading & default arguments

Function overloading & default arguments One of the important features in any programming language is the convenient use of names. When you create an object (a variable), you give a name to a region of storage. A function is a name for
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Run-time type identification

Run-time type identification Run-time type identification (RTTI) lets you find the exact type of an object when you have only a pointer or reference to the base type. This can be thought of as a “secondary” feature in C++, a pragmatism to he
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Multiple inheritance

Multiple inheritance The basic concept of multiple inheritance (MI) sounds simple enough. [[[Notes: 1.        Demo of use of MI, using Greenhouse example and different company’s greenhouse controller e
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Inline functions

Inline functions One of the important features C++ inherits from C is efficiency. If the efficiency of C++ were dramatically less than C, there would be a significant contingent of programmers who couldn’t justify its use. In C, one of the wa
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STL Algorithms

STL Algorithms The other half of the STL is the algorithms, which are templatized functions designed to work with the containers (or, as you will see, anything that can behave like a container, including arrays and string objects). The STL w
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Making & using objects

Making & using objects This chapter will introduce enough C++ syntax and program construction concepts to allow you to write and run some simple object-oriented programs. In the subsequent chapter we will cover the basic syntax of C and C++
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The C in C++

The C in C++ Since C++ is based on C, you must be familiar with the syntax of C in order to program in C++, just as you must be reasonably fluent in algebra in order to tackle calculus. If you’ve never seen C before, this chapter will give yo
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Strings [1]One of the biggest time-wasters in C is character arrays: keeping track of the difference between static quoted strings and arrays created on the stack and the heap, and the fact that sometimes you’re passing around a char* and some
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Inheritance & composition

Inheritance & composition One of the most compelling features about C++ is code reuse. But to be revolutionary, you need to be able to do a lot more than copy code and change it. That’s the C approach, and it hasn’t worked very well. As w
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Introduction to templates

Introduction to templates Inheritance and composition provide a way to reuse object code. The template feature in C++ provides a way to reuse source code. Although C++ templates are a general-purpose programming tool, when they were introduce
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Polymorphism & virtual functions

Polymorphism & virtual functions Polymorphism (implemented in C++ with virtual functions) is the third essential feature of an object-oriented programming language, after data abstraction and inheritance. It provides another dimension of
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Coding style

Coding style This appendix is not about indenting and placement of parentheses and curly braces, although that will be mentioned. This is about the general guidelines used in this book for organizing the code listings. Although many of these
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References & the copy-constructor

References[BE1]  & the copy-constructor References are a C++ feature that are like constant pointers automatically dereferenced by the compiler. Although references also exist in Pascal, the C++ version was taken from the Algol lan
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Maintaining system integrity

Maintaining system integrity The canonical object form An extended canonical form Dynamic aggregation The examples we’ve seen so far are illustrative, but fairly simple. It’s useful to see an example that has more complexity so you
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Templates in depth

Templates in depth Nontype template arguments Here is a random number generator class that always produces a unique number and overloads operator( ) to produce a familiar function-call syntax: //: C19:Urand.h // Unique ran
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Recommended reading

Recommended reading C Thinking in C: Foundations for Java & C++, by Chuck Allison (a MindView, Inc. Seminar on CD ROM, 1999, available at A course including lectures and slides in the foundations of the C Langua
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Name control

Name control Creating names is a fundamental activity in programming, and when a project gets large the number of names can easily be overwhelming. C++ allows you a great deal of control over both the creation and visibility of names, where sto
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