Documente architecture construction
Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture
Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture An anthology of architectural theory 1965-1995 Ed. Kate Nesbitt Princeton Architectural Press, NY, 1996 Preface () PART IIB. POSTMODERNISM'S DEFINING THEORETICAL PARADIGMS ICiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
A History of Architectural Theory From Vitruvius to the Present
A History of Architectural Theory From Vitruvius to the Present Zwemmer/Princeton Architectural Press, 1994 Chapter 30. Since I945 Preceding chapters on the first half of the twentieth century omitted certain countriesCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
Architecture and the Critique of Ideology
Architecture and the Critique of Ideology Fredric Jameson Autorul este profesor la Duke University si un cunoscut critic marxist al relatiei dintre putere, ideologie si arhitectura, precum si un teoretician al postmodernisCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
Theories and Manifestoes of Contemporary Architecture
Theories and Manifestoes of Contemporary Architecture Ed. Charles Jencks and Karl Kropf AD Academy Editions, 1997 1965 CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER A City is not a Tree At a time o f increasing concern over tCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
INTERIOR DECORATING DECORATE LIKE A CELEBRITY Table of Contents Introduction Citeste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
The Concept of Limit in Architecture; its application in a rehabilitation project
The Concept of Limit in Architecture; its application in a rehabilitation project document online, referat sau dezbatere in articol scrisCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
English Garden Bench
English Garden Bench document online, referat sau dezbatere in articol scrisCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
An Economical Hobby Greenhouse
An Economical Hobby Greenhouse for the Houston and Gulf Coast Area Introduction Although Houston and the Gulf Coast Area lie in an area known to be relatively warm year round, tropical plants intolerant of freezing or near freezinCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
EUROPEAN STANDARD prEN 1998-1 NORME EUROPÉENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM Doc CEN/TC250/SC8/N269 English version EurocoCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
Art History Building
Art and Art History Building, University of Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa. Program: New facilities for sculpture, painting, printmaking, graduate studios, administrative offices, gallery. Client: University of IowaCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
Garden elements
Shi-Shi-Odoshi The sound the Shi-Shi-Odoshi makes as it hits the rock was used to keep evil spirits away and for the sound it makes in the silence of the Garden. Koi Pond The Koi PonCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
Bachkovo Monastery
Bachkovo Monastery Bachkovo Monastery was built in 1083 by Grigor| Bakuriani a military in the Byzantine Empire, a Georgian by origin. From that time is the ossify with its exquisite architecture and wall-paintings. The winter churcCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
American Memorial Library, Berlin, Germany
American Memorial Library, Berlin, Germany Program: Open-stack library Client: Amerika Gedenk Bibliothek Project Manager: Stephen Cassell Site area: 94,000 square feet Status: Competition completed 1988Citeste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
CONSERVATORY and ATRIUM In moderate climate-zones there is a need for heating in the winter period, while in the summer cooling of the buildings is necessary. For a long time mechanical installations were used to achieCiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
Egyptian Art and Architecture, the buildings, sculpture, painting, and decorative arts of ancient Egypt from about 5000 BC to the conquest of Egypt by
Egyptian Art and Architecture, the buildings, sculpture, painting, and decorative arts of ancient Egypt from about 5000 BC to the conquest of Egypt by Rome in 30 BC. Today, we look at Egyptian art primarily in museums or in books. For the ECiteste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
Cargo Stowage Plan – Conditions
Cargo Stowage Plan – Conditions 1. Citeste tot ...Dimensiune |  |  |
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