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Documente mathematics

Importing geometry from external 3D applications and using it appropriately – or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the splitweight slider

Importing geometry from external 3D applications and using it appropriately – or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the splitweight slider Included in this release are plugins designed to export world geometry from Alias/Wavefront’s M
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THE MULTIPLICATIVE GROUP  OF UNITS OF A RING Abstract       Let R be a ring with a multiplicative identity. This paper is an introduction to the study of multiplicative group of units U(R) of the ring R. Here we recall briefly
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Elements of Zermelo-Fraenkel Theory

Elements of Zermelo-Fraenkel Theory      In the sequel we will try to illustrate how an axiomatic set theory works. In 1909, Ernst Zermelo proposed the former axiomatic system for sets, which was later improved by Abraham Fraenkel and others
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SET  THEORY Algebra    Without doubt, all sciences, as well as our everyday language, currently make use of sets. Since many elementary and high schoolbooks contain set theoretical elements, we have to explain why we start again wi
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An introduction to differential geometry in econometrics

            An introduction to differential    geometry in econometrics 1        Introduction In this intr
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Fibonacci Numbers

Fibonacci Numbers Overview Fibonacci numbers are the result of work by Leonardo Fibonacci in the early 1200 s while studying the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. The fibonacci series is a numerical sequence comprised of adding the previous numbers togethe
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Algebra: Challenging problems

Algebra: Challenging problems The following questions are taken from an article written by Tom M. Giambrone, from Indiana University Pennsylvania. Omar the Rope Maker decided to make a rope long enough to stretch around the Ea
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Test for LOGICALLY-MATHEMATICALLY ABILITIES Solve the next problems: Working time: 20 minutes PROBLEM 1      Which of the following pictures comes next? PROBLEM 2
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Beauty of Mathematics

Beauty of Mathematics ! 1 x 8 + 1 = 9 12 x 8 + 2 = 98 123 x 8 + 3 = 987 1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876 12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765 123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654 1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543 12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432 123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321 1 x 9 +
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Basic Guitar Scales

Basic Guitar Scales   = the root of the scale (the root is the letter name e.g. A) major The major scale should be one of the
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Use the figure to the right to answer questions

Geometry A     Name_____ _______ ______ __________ Segment Addition Use the figure to the right to answer questions 1 – 5. For each problem, write the Segment Addition relati
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-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------ --------- Q1: A wire that weighs 24 kilograms is cut into two pieces so that one of the pieces weighs 16 kilograms and is 34 meters long.  If th
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Vectors and the Geometry of Space

Chapter 10. Vectors and the Geometry of Space 10.5  Equations of Lines and Planes 1.  Equations of the line L through the point  and parallel to      the vector  =  where the vector  is called the direction      vector of
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An introduction to differential geometry in econometrics

            An introduction to differential    geometry in econometrics 1        Introduction In this intr
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Calculus Individual Test

The 2nd Annual Johns Hopkins University High School Math Tournament Hosted by The JHU Undergraduate Math Club Please be sure to visit if you ever finish this test.
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Elements of the Similarity Theory

4.      a) D. Iordache “Numerical Physics” (in Romanian), Man-Dely Publishing House, Bucharest, 2004; b) D. Iordache “General notions and methods of Physics” (in Romanian), Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest Printing Hous
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test mathematics

-------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------ --------- Q1: If  = , what is the value of x ? A.       30 B.       3 C
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