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Planning IPv6 Addressing

Planning IPv6 Addressing To plan an efficient IPv6 addressing strategy, you must understand how IPv6 addressing works. IPv6 addressing is a major departure from IPv4 addressing. The most obvious difference is that IPv4 uses 4‑byte sou
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Overview of Deploying ASP

Overview of Deploying ASP.NET Applications in IIS 6.0 ASP.NET is a unified Web application platform that provides services to help you build and deploy enterprise-class Web applications and XML-based Web services. ASP.NET is supported on th
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Deciding Whether to Perform an Upgrade or a Clean Installation

Deciding Whether to Perform an Upgrade or a Clean Installation Unlike other automated installation methods, such as image-based and RIS installations, an unattended installation can be configured to perform a clean installation or an upgrad
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Enabling IPv4 Applications for IPv6

Enabling IPv4 Applications for IPv6 You can use the PortProxy service as an application-layer gateway for nodes or applications that do not support IPv6. PortProxy facilitates the communication between nodes or applications that cannot connect
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Additional Resources

Additional Resources These resources contain additional information and tools related to this chapter. Related Information ·         “Choosing an Automated Installation Method” in this book for more
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Memory Protection Technologies

Memory Protection Technologies Microsoft Corporation Published: April 30, 2004 Authors: Starr Andersen, Technical Writer, Vincent Abella, Technical Editor This document is Part 3 of “Changes to Functionality in Win
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Designing an IP Addressing Scheme

Designing an IP Addressing Scheme Before assigning addresses, design an IP addressing scheme that meets the requirements of your networking infrastructure. Figure 1.5 shows the tasks involved in designing your IP addressing system, inc
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Developing Routing Strategies

Developing Routing Strategies After planning your network infrastructure based on your design model, plan how to implement routing. Figure 1.4 shows the tasks involved in developing a unicast routing strategy. For information about IP mul
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Identifying Supplemental Device Drivers

Identifying Supplemental Device Drivers Most device drivers are provided on the Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003 operating system CDs. However, some devices require special device drivers, which you must obtain from
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Evaluating Hardware and Software for Unattended Installations

Evaluating Hardware and Software for Unattended Installations Before you start designing an unattended installation, you must determine whether the hardware and software on your destination computers is compatible with the operating system
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Performing Unattended Installations

Performing Unattended Installations There are several ways to perform an unattended installation: ·         You can start a destination computer with the operating system CD, and use a Winnt.sif a
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Designing Automated Post-Installation Tasks

Designing Automated Post-Installation Tasks Post-installation tasks include any installation and configuration tasks that need to be performed after the operating system is installed. Post-installation tasks are usually described in your compon
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Choosing a Distribution Method

Choosing a Distribution Method Distribution refers to the way you store and transfer system files, device drivers, and software program files during an unattended installation. There are two types of distribution methods: ·  &n
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Designing Setup Settings

Designing Setup Settings An unattended installation relies on one of two Setup programs: a 16-bit Setup program called Winnt.exe, or a 32-bit Setup program called Winnt32.exe. You can run Winnt.exe on a computer that is running MS-DOS, Windows
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Using Media to Perform an Unattended Installation

Using Media to Perform an Unattended Installation Media distribution is useful if you are deploying computers in remote locations that do not have high-speed network connections, or in locations that do not have a local IT department availabl
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Configuring IP Multicast Scopes

Configuring IP Multicast Scopes Multicast addressing supports dynamic membership, under which individual computers can join or leave a multicast group at any time. Group membership is not limited by size, and computers are not restricted to me
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Planning the IP-Based Infrastructure

Planning the IP-Based Infrastructure To create or expand an enterprise network, you can choose from many design models, including a network infrastructure model based on the three-tier design model. This model, a hierarchical network design mod
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Planning IP Multicast-Enabled Routers

Planning IP Multicast-Enabled Routers To implement IP multicasting on a multiple-router intranet, you must install routers enabled for multicast routing and configured with one or more multicast routing protocols. Windows Server 2003
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Routing IPv6 Traffic over an IPv4 Infrastructure

Routing IPv6 Traffic over an IPv4 Infrastructure An eventual successful transition to IPv6 requires interim coexistence of IPv6 nodes in today’s predominantly IPv4 environment. To support this, IPv6 packets are automatically tunneled over IPv4
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Creating a Disk Configuration Plan for Unattended Installations

Creating a Disk Configuration Plan for Unattended Installations You need to create a disk configuration plan if you need to do any of the following before you perform the installation: ·         Change
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