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Modifying your Windows XP Boot logo

Modifying your Windows XP Boot logo DISCLAIMER: We here at The Tech Guide are NOT responsible for anything that happens to your computer as a result of this procedure. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! This procedure is very similar to modifyin
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Best Practices for Layered Service Provider (LSP) Development in Windows

Best Practices for Layered Service Provider (LSP) Development in Windows Microsoft Corporation Published: Microsoft Confidential. © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. These materials are confidential to and m
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Seven steps to a successful Windows 2000 installation

Seven steps to a successful Windows 2000 installation q    Ensure that the systems that will be running Windows 2000 meet Microsoft’s minimum hardware requirements. Microsoft recommends the following: If you’re preparing to in
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Abria Merlin for Microsoft Windows

Abria Merlin for Microsoft Windows Installation Manual March 1, 2001 Version 1.6.0 Table of Contents Product Introduction. 3 Product features and technical information. 4 Installation. 8 The AbriaMe
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Microsoft Agent Animations for Merlin Character

Microsoft Agent Animations for Merlin Character ActiveX™ Technology for Interactive Software Agents August 1997 Microsoft Corporation Note: This document is provided for informational purposes only and Microsoft makes no warra
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Windows Platform Design Notes

Windows Platform Design Notes Designing Hardware for the MicrosoftÒ WindowsÒ Family of Operating Systems Fast System Startup for PCs Running Windows XP Abstract: This paper describes issues and solutions for achieving fast system start
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Windows Platform Design Notes

Windows Platform Design Notes Designing Hardware for the MicrosoftÒ WindowsÒ Family of Operating Systems Fast System Startup for PCs Running Windows XP Abstract: This paper describes issues and solutions for achieving fast system start
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Setup Commands

Setup Commands You install Microsoft® Windows® 2000 using the Setup command, either Winnt.exe or Winnt32.exe. This appendix provides information about command syntax and parameters
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Application Compatibility Testing and Mitigation Guide for Windows XP Service Pack 2

Application Compatibility Testing and Mitigation Guide for Windows XP Service Pack 2 Abstract Windows® XP Service Pack 2 introduces a number of security features and technologies to help protect against attac
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Microsoft® Windows® Application Compatibility Checklist

Microsoft® Windows® Application Compatibility Checklist Test Case Summary from Windows XP Logo Test Framework This document describes a series of tests taken from the Windows XP Logo Test Framework.  This is provided as a list of compati
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AOL XP Integration

AOL XP Integration   Adding the AOL Site into the Windows Welcome (OOBE) 1.        Please change into the Directory %Windir%System32oobe of the OEM Machine, where „%Windir%“ is the your Wi
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Requirements for Using the Enclosed Windows XP* Embedded Configuration File

Requirements for Using the Enclosed Windows XP* Embedded Configuration File = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = The following hardware and software is required to properly use the enclosed Microsoft Windows XP Em
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Windows Applications Exploratory Test Procedure

Windows Applications Exploratory Test Procedure This document describes a procedure for testing the functionality and stability of a software application (hereafter referred to as “the product”) for the purpose verifying that it
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AnimateWindow Function

AnimateWindow Function Declaration: Private Declare Function AnimateWindow Lib 'user32' (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal dwTime As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Boolean Platforms: ·        
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The main problem with Windows Vista

The main problem with Windows Vista The New York Times published an article today about Windows Vista that included this: 'The main problem with Vista, Microsoft said, was that given the delays, uncertainty and significant changes in th
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Enabling Advanced Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Features

Chapter 5 Enabling Advanced Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Features
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Batch files and executables installed in the SPSS

This document attempts to provide a brief description of all batch files and executables installed in the SPSS directory for a fully licensed version of SPSS for Windows. BATCH FILES: delbars.bat - This file will reset toolbars an
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Basic BIOS password crack - works 9.9 times out of ten

Fellow Wrapster/BearShare/Gnutella user. As you can see there are various ways on bypassing/changing BIOS passwords. I have successfully used all of the options below on various computers many years ago.  These methods will work on computers
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Disabling unnecessary and potentially dangerous services

Disabling unnecessary and potentially dangerous services Windows XP comes with Terminal Services, IIS, and RAS that can open holes into your operating system. It s often convenient to enable Terminal Services to allow remote control functions
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Unable to Delete AVI Files in Windows XP?

Unable to Delete AVI Files in Windows XP? ~~Vic Ferri, WinTips and Tricks One of the video bugs in Windows XP is that you may not be able to delete or move a video avi file. Attempting to do so may result in an error message stating that
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