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Documente health


Vomiting. Sul-ac - Vomiting of food and drink, with craving for stimulants. Aeth - With sweating and great anguish, followed by drowsiness. Ars - Of water, mucus, bile; with severe pain in  stomach;  followed  by great prostration;
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Leucorrhoea. Nit-ac - Like extract of fresh meat; very offensive. Aesculus - With lameness in back and hips, rendering  walking  difficult and painful. Amm-carb - Watery, acrid, burning. Amm-mur - Like white of  egg;  with  colic
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Urine - Urinary Organs

Urine - Urinary Organs. Nit-ac  -  Offensive,  like  urine  of  horse;  dark,  reddish,  bloody, albuminous. Phos-ac - Copious, clear, watery; cloud of white sediment; like milk; as if mixed with jelly; decomposes quickly. Aco
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Chest. Acon - Sense of heat in chest. Amm-carb - Oppressed breathing, worse from exertion and warm room. Amm-mur - Burning pain in small spots in the chest. Apis  -  Irritation  in  supra-sternal  fossa,  provoking  cough;  great
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Sweat. Nit-ac - Fetid sweat of feet. Aeth - Profuse sweat; wants to be covered up during sweat. Ant-tart - Cold, clammy sweat. Bar-carb - Cold, clammy sweat; fetid sweat of feet. Calc - Sweat about the head; feet always cold and da
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Lips Arum - Sore, excoriated

Lips Arum -  Sore, excoriated. Cicuta - Whitish, moist scurf on upper lip. Crot - Lops and throat dry, without thirst. Dulc - Cold sores on lips. Hell - Picking of lips. Nat-mur - Fever blisters like pearls on lips.
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Fever. Aeth - Great heat without thirst. Apis - Fever without thirst. Arn - Internal heat; hands and feet cold. Bry - Chewing motion of jaw during fever. Cedron - Fever with redness of face, burning heat of hands,  thirst  for w
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Expectoration. Nit-ac - Constant hawking of mucus. Amm-carb - Expectoration of mucus, with specks of blood in it. Arg-met -  Jelly-like  mucus  in  the  morning;  easy  expectoration  of substance like boiled starch. Ars - Expe
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Bleeding Tendency

Bleeding Tendency. Sul-ac  -  Petechiae;  haemorrhagic  diathesis;  purpura   haemorrhagia; haemorrhage of black blood from the outlets of the body. Bell - Throbbing and pulsating of blood  vessels;  haemorrhage  of  hot, bright
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Muscles. Agar - Twitching of eyelids, face, mouth, neck, abdomen, extremities. Apis - Feels bruised all over. Arn - Sore, bruised, as though beaten. Cicuta - Violent contraction sin head and other parts; cramps of muscles of neck
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Anus. Mur-ac - Soreness, crawling, burning, stinging pain in anus. Aloe - Loss of control; sense of insecurity even  when  passing  flatus; must hurry to stool. Ars - Burning pain in anus. Cina - Intolerable itching, better from c
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Heart. Ox-ac - Short, stitching pain in small area; numbness. Asaf - Oppression at the heart, better from belching. Aurum - Palpitation; rush of blood to heart and chest; anxiety;  feeble, rapid pulse. Bell - Bubbling sensation a
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Glands. Ailan - Enlargement of cervicals and parotids. Apis - Enlargements with indurations ans with stinging pain. Arum - Swelling of submaxillary. Aurum - Swelling of cervical and inguinal glands; of testicles. Bar-carb - Glands
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Headache Nit-ac - Sensitive to light pressure; to lying on head; as though in a vise or tightly bound

Headache Nit-ac - Sensitive to light pressure; to lying on head; as though  in  a vise or tightly bound. All-cepa - Catarrhal, frontal, worse in warm room. Aloe - Dull, pressing above the eyes. Anac - Better, for a short time from
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Delirium Phos-ac - Quiet, with stupor; can be roused, but relapses

Delirium Phos-ac - Quiet, with stupor; can be roused, but relapses. Ailan - Muttering. Bapt - Wandering, muttering; trying to gather the scattered parts of the body. Bell - Violent, strikes, seeks to escape. Canth - Furious, c
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Colic. Alum - Colic worse from eating potatoes. Carbo-v - From flatulency. Cham - Brought on by anger. China - Periodical; better from bending double, from eating at night. Coloc - Violent; bends double; intense squeezing pain  th
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Skin. Nit-ac - Body covered with  brown  spots;  ulcerations  and  warts  with splinter-like pain; ulcers bleed from slight touch. Mur-ac - Papular, petechial eruptions, with much itching. Ailan - Livid, purplish eruption. Alum
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Stools Mur-ac - Involuntary when he attempts to urinate. Alum - Straining with soft stools and when urinating. Bapt - Foul, as are all secretions. Bar-carb - Hard, knotty. Bis - Of cadaverous odor. Caust - Tough, greasy; bette
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Appetite: Abnormal Cravings

Appetite: Abnormal Cravings. Sul-ac - Craving for stimulants. All-cepa - Deranged, as from cold; craving for raw onions. Alum - Craves starch, chalk and other indigestible things. Ant-crud - Craves acids and pickles. Arg-nit - Gre
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Diarrhoea Mur-ac - Mushy; with offensive flatus and pain in rectum. Phos-ac - Painless, watery, not exhausting. Sul-ac - Very fetid; of yellow mucus,  like  chopped  egg;  body  smells sour. Acon - Green, like spinach. Aeth -
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