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Documente Macromedia freehand

Using the Freeform Tool

Using the Freeform Tool As a self-proclaimed “vectorbabe,” I love Bézier handles. In case you don’t share my enthusiasm, the Freeform tool allows you to reshape paths without modifying points or handles. There are two modes to the Freeform too
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Converting Text Case

Converting Text Case Once you have text on your page, you may want to convert the case from upper to lower, etc. FreeHand has several sophisticated Convert Case commands. To apply the Convert Case commands: 1.    &nb
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Finding and Replacing Graphics

Finding and Replacing Graphics This is one of the most sophisticated features of its kind. I know of no other graphics program that lets you search for such a wide range of objects and then change them into something else. For instance, you ca
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Working with Guides

Working with Guides Once the rulers are visible, you can use them to create guides on your page. Guides can be used to divide pages into different areas as well as to help you align objects. To create guides by dragging: 1.  &
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Defining Styles

Defining Styles The easiest way to define a style is by example. This means you can create the object or text and then use it as the reference to define the style. To define a style by example: 1.      Draw an
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Using the Mirror Tool

Using the Mirror Tool The Mirror tool gives you an interactive way to create multiple rotated and reflected objects. To set the Mirror tool controls: 1.      Double-click the Mirror tool in the Xtra Tools toolba
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Aligning Objects

Aligning Objects You may want to move objects so that their tops, bottoms, sides, or centers are in alignment. You may also want to move objects so they are distributed equally. FreeHand gives you several ways to align and distribute objects.
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Specialty Strokes

Specialty Strokes Just as there are Custom fills, FreeHand provides Custom stroke patterns. (See Appendix B for a printout of the Custom stroke patterns.) To apply a Custom stroke pattern: 1.      Choose Custom
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Using the Arc Tool

Using the Arc Tool Here’s the tool for Indiana Jones — the Arc tool. To choose settings for the Arc tool: 1.      Choose Window > Toolbars > Xtra Tools to open the Xtra Tools toolbar. 2.  &nb
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Working with Tabs

Working with Tabs There are two separate parts to working with tabs. The first part is to insert a tab character into the text. This tells FreeHand that the text needs to be aligned at that point. To insert tab characters in the text: 1
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Printing Blends

Printing Blends If you are printing to a low-resolution device such as a laser printer, you may not be satisfied with the printout of the blend. That is because those printers cannot reproduce all the tones necessary to create a smooth blend.
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Displaying Styles

Displaying Styles There are two ways to view the Styles panel. One lets you see the names of the styles. The other lets you see a visual representation of the style formatting. To view styles visually: ·     &nb
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Working with Text Blocks

Working with Text Blocks All text in FreeHand starts inside a text block. There are two types of text blocks. Standard text blocks have a fixed height and width. To create a standard text block: 1.      Select
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Working with the Pen Tool

Working with the Pen Tool Learning FreeHand’s Pen tool makes it easier to learn the Pen tool in Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Flash, Adobe Photoshop, QuarkXPress, or Adobe InDesign. To create straight sides with the Pen: 1. &nbs
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Modifying the Stroke Width

Modifying the Stroke Width Once you have applied a stroke, you can change the width, or how thick that stroke appears. To change a stroke width using the Stroke inspector: 1.      Select the object you want to c
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Moving Objects

Moving Objects As mentioned before, when you move an object you are actually transforming it. There are some special transformation techniques you can use when moving objects. To move an object: 1.      Select t
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Locking and Unlocking Objects

Locking and Unlocking Objects As you work, there may be times when you want to lock an object on a layer. This may be to avoid moving the object or to make sure it is not transformed. To lock an object: 1.      .
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Selecting and Deleting Pages

Selecting and Deleting Pages A FreeHand document must contain at least one page. That means you can never delete the only page in a document. However, if you have added pages to a document, you can delete one page at a time. Before you dele
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Using the Xtra Color Commands

Using the Xtra Color Commands Once you have created and used colors, the Color commands under the Xtras menu provide many ways you can adjust the colors in your documents. The Color Control Xtra lets you shift the colors in selected objects.
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Closing and Opening Paths

Closing and Opening Paths When I first started using FreeHand there were times it was absolutely vital to close an open path. For instance, you couldn’t fill an object with a color unless it was a closed path. These days it isn’t necessary to
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